So my mother likes to send Orion and Laika a fun new toy every month (so spoiled!) and this month's toy came in today :) Orion and Laika got the Kyjen Egg Babies Platypus and they LOVE it! Its a platypus that's got a hole in its belly and holds three "eggs" that have squeakers in them. So you let them play with the eggs and squeak them, and then let them watch you put them in its belly so they can try to get them out. The hole is small enough that it takes some time to pull the egg out and it keeps them busy. At first they just played with it but after I showed them the eggs a few times and let them watch me put them in, they started to understand and wanted to get the eggs out. It comes with five eggs total and three fit inside so you can keep the other two as extras for when the squeakers wear out. The dogs have been playing with it non stop since it came in the mail about five hours ago and once they finally get the eggs out I put them back in and they go crazy trying to get them out again. Overall I think its a pretty good toy for under 10 bucks and the dogs love it! Laika has been taking the eggs out and leaving them in a pile, its so cute!

Also, Laika is more interested in getting the eggs out than Orion and she's my pup that walks around with bones and whines if she can't find a good place to "bury" so she can dig it out later. So its probably good for dogs that seem to have that type of hide-and-retrieve behavior :)

Here's a video of Laika removing the eggs, she's gotten pretty good at it:

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Comment by Lawren and Teddy on October 16, 2010 at 10:21pm
Teddy loves his platypus. And it's very tough. We've had ours for over a year and it's still holding up, still holds the eggs. I'm glad they sell just the eggs as those don't seem to last as long. I've found eggs in Teddy's crate under the blankets before. And they always seem to end up under the couch.
Comment by Quincy ^,,^ & Michelle : ) on October 16, 2010 at 7:58pm
Quincy has the egg babies fish. He loves it! He takes the eggs out and runs around squeaking them. Sometimes I hide a treat inside the fish so he finds a prize when he take the eggs out. Great Toy!!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on October 16, 2010 at 6:57pm
Haha, I was afraid they'd just shred the platypus but they actually just leave it alone once they get the eggs out, they'll carry the eggs around in their mouths though. But I'm sure my brother's aussie would have it shredded in seconds. When I bring Orion and Laika to visit my brother's dog I only bring toys I've bought for a dollar from the bargain bin at petco 'cause I know they probably won't last to the end of the day, haha
Comment by Jane Christensen on October 16, 2010 at 6:51pm
Lucky dogs to get presents in the mail! They are cute but I don't think they'd last around my house!

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