Today is the 30th day for fostering Dooley and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I hadn't heard anything from the rescue group in Wichita, Kansas, since the 22nd of August -- until 3 days ago. Actually, by that time I was hoping they had forgotten all about Dooley!

I also heard from another rescue/adoption group in Texas inquiring about both Frankie and Dooley on the same day.

My heart sank, I went into a deep fog, and couldn't -- and still can't -- catch my breath -- WHAT?! I thought to myself. I can't make a decision now -- I can't take one to Wichita and one to Texas -- I can't split up the trio, they're buddies -- they keep each other company while I'm at work -- they sleep, eat, and play together -- they live for the walks in the park where they can run free, chase rabbits, bring back the balls I throw, or just go off into the canyon in search of something stinky to roll in.

How is Topaz going to be all by herself, I asked? She loves her brothers, how could I do that to her?

I know a lot of people say they have a big backyard where either, any, or all of them could have fun. But, gosh, do they really have as big a backyard as these boys are used to being in -- 60 acres? I think not. Yes, the park across the street is their haven and it's approximately 60 acres of doggie delight!

So, I made up my mind and made a decision.

The decision is not to make a decision right now.

Boy, that was the best decision I've made in my life!

Thankfully, I got emails from both of the groups, one telling me she's overwhelmed with Corgis right now -- lost a foster home and had to take in those dogs. And the other is getting in a Corgi with kennel cough.

So, being the logistical one that I am -- haha! -- not emotional, I simply did an email in response telling them both at the same time that Frankie and Dooley are safe and happy here and there is no rush on taking them anywhere.

Now, the problem is, according to Oklahoma law, 30 days is ownership. So which state law prevails, Kansas's, with the "sign-out" sheet? That can easily be fixed as "adoption" instead of "rescue/foster." Or, Oklahoma's, with 30 days?

Either way, my heart is telling me that Topaz, Frankie, Dooley, and I are happy as one family right now, and nothing could be better!

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Comment by Corgi lover! (Misty) on September 17, 2009 at 7:24pm
Aaawwww! They are so cute!! It sounds like they and you as well are extremely happy with your situation. I hope everything works out for you for the best!!

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