Deanna's Blog (13)


Oh, my gosh -- you all can't believe how I feel right now -- a sudden wave of mixed emotions has taken my breath away to find Dooley on here! I'm crying and really don't have much to say because the words are hard to come by -- I will talk with everyone later.

Added by Deanna on November 2, 2009 at 6:42pm — 12 Comments

Goodbye, Dooley -- Part 2

After reading all the kinds words, I feel it is necessary to clarify my anger -- I was crying when I wrote the first part, and probably left out details and confused a lot of readers.

First of all, there is not one person on this site that I am angry with. All of you, beginning with Sam Tsang and his wife, stepped up to the plate to help me get this dog to safety. It is the people behind the scenes I'm angry with -- including myself.

Second of all, Dooley is not yet with… Continue

Added by Deanna on November 2, 2009 at 12:11am — 9 Comments

Goodbye, Dooley -- I will always love and remember you!

On Saturday, October 31st, (Halloween) Dooley was taken to Texas to be adopted. I didn't pre-post or discuss this ahead of time, as I didn't want to vacillate and question myself in self torment. Now, that I'm home, slept for a few hours after a long road trip, am drinking coffee while Topaz and Frankie are outside enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine, I'm actually tormented anyway.

After 2 1/2 months of fostering Dooley, awaiting placement, getting excited because a space… Continue

Added by Deanna on November 1, 2009 at 2:30pm — 11 Comments

Dooley -- 30 Days Are Up!

Today is the 30th day for fostering Dooley and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I hadn't heard anything from the rescue group in Wichita, Kansas, since the 22nd of August -- until 3 days ago. Actually, by that time I was hoping they had forgotten all about Dooley!

I also heard from another rescue/adoption group in Texas inquiring about both Frankie and Dooley on the same day.

My heart sank, I went into a deep fog, and couldn't -- and still can't -- catch my breath --… Continue

Added by Deanna on September 17, 2009 at 7:00pm — 11 Comments

D-Con Mice/Rat Poison Pellets -- Do You Know What to Do?

My loveable Topaz loves to chase rabbits, squirrels, cats, lizards, frogs, virtually anything that moves fast on the ground.

Friday morning when she caught a mouse on first snap I was so proud of her! -- Until I realized she wasn't going to present me with her "gift." Instead she was savoring it for herself, taking it out to the backyard to finish off.

Then it hit me -- I've got mice/rat pellet poison down in the house and this mouse could have ingested… Continue

Added by Deanna on September 5, 2009 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

Dooley -- Two Week Update

Well, two weeks ago last night I brought Dooley to my home for fostering until placement in an adoption rescue. I can't believe I actually had to look at the calendar to see how long ago it was -- it feels as if he's been a part of my family all his life!

Of course there are little spats with the others, but they don't last long. Dooley rarely instigates or joins in when one of my others is in a bad mood. He'd rather walk away a few feet, turn around and smile! Poof! Situation… Continue

Added by Deanna on September 1, 2009 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments


"There is a character named Dooley in the Mitford Series by Jan Karon. He is a young boy that is given up by his mother, comes to live with a pastor, grows up to be a fine person. This elderly woman, Miss Sadie sees the potential in Dooley and sets up a million dollar trust fund for him when he reaches 21. You ask where is this story going??? You saw the potential in this dog and gave him a new lease on life, which is priceless."

The above was sent to me in an email from an… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 22, 2009 at 8:00am — 4 Comments

Dooley -- Okay, Gang, let's talk!

After a rough weekend, and 4 hours on the road Monday night to get Dooley, as he is now named, life is getting back to wonderful! He's an absolute joy of a fur ball -- and OMG! does he have the fur! It's everywhere, in my coffe cup, bed, car, on my clothes -- oh, well, it's been said that no outfit is complete without pet hair!

I've tried my best to get photos of his "stubby" legs, but he won't stand still long enough. He's just so happy to be someplace where there are others to play… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 18, 2009 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments


I've got Duncan!!!!!!!!! The Ford County Humane Society named him, I didn't. I'm thinking about calling him "Dooley," as he's got Pembroke face, head, and skeletal structure, but he also has Cardi "turkey toes" and body size -- a bit

large-boned, but light weight. He's adorable, sweet, loveable, friendly, inquisitive, playful, and everything anyone would want!

He slept all the way in the 2-hour car ride last night -- even snored! When I introduced him to my other Corgis, it… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 18, 2009 at 8:30am — 17 Comments

Rescuing a Tri-Colored Fluffy in Kill Shelter

Well, by now, many of you have seen the urgent post of a couple of days ago regarding a Tri-Colored Fluffy in a kill shelter in Kansas. So that some of you may understand better what I went through to save this little boy, I will explain in greater detail.

First, I am a volunteer rescue transport in Oklahoma and have transported many dogs of all breeds in the past several years, as I live in a town that also has a kill shelter.

Second, I was advised that there was a… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 16, 2009 at 1:30am — 15 Comments


SUCCESS! I finally found a licensed Kansas rescuer that would allow me to sign out the Tri-Colored Fluffy under her license number as a foster on her organization's behalf! I will be picking the dog up afterall, just not as soon as I had hoped, because of the red tape we've had to go through all day to find someone who was willing to work with me sight unseen.

After about 30 days of fostering and assessment in my home for quirks, habits, traits, etc., he will be available for… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 14, 2009 at 8:00pm — 10 Comments


I cannot go pick up the Fluffy as I was led to believe due to interstate regulations with HSUS -- I am only a foster home for the Fluffy Cardi. To take the dog home and then adopt out to someone else would be "selling" the dog, according to Kansas -- and possibly all other states as well. All the Corgi rescues I work with are full and have no place for him, so I can't even go pick him up on their behalf right now!

The Fluffy Cardi is still safe for the next couple of days -- please… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 14, 2009 at 3:00pm — 8 Comments

URGENT!!!! Tri-Colored "Fluffy" Cardi/Mix

Hi, all ! So very sorry about not keeping in contact for such a long time -- rescues have me overwhelmed right now, and it's difficult to spend as much time on here as I would like. However, I know you will all understand.

I'm just grabbing a few minutes here to post an urgent notice about a tri-colored fluffy Cardi/mix that I will be fostering until a home can be found. Right now, he is at a kill shelter in Dodge City, Kansas, with numbered days. I just called the coordinator 15… Continue

Added by Deanna on August 13, 2009 at 2:00pm — 9 Comments

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