Rescuing a Tri-Colored Fluffy in Kill Shelter

Well, by now, many of you have seen the urgent post of a couple of days ago regarding a Tri-Colored Fluffy in a kill shelter in Kansas. So that some of you may understand better what I went through to save this little boy, I will explain in greater detail.

First, I am a volunteer rescue transport in Oklahoma and have transported many dogs of all breeds in the past several years, as I live in a town that also has a kill shelter.

Second, I was advised that there was a Corgi/mix in a kill shelter (not Ford County Humane Society) on Monday, August 10, 2009. I asked how soon the Corgi would need transport and was told it's not an emergency. I also advised this contact person that the Corgi rescues I work with were all full right now, that if I picked the dog up I would have to foster until placement could be arranged.

Third, on August 13, 2009, I received an email around 1:00 in the afternoon that the Corgi was to be put down in this kill shelter, and could I pick up on on Saturday morning, August 16, 2009, that the Ford County Humane Society had no room. That started the ball rolling as the clock was ticking for this little guy. I agreed to pick the dog up, even though I had no confirmed place to take him, and Ford County agreed to take custody from the kill shelter until transport.

Fourth, around 1:00 p.m. on Friday, August 14, 2009, after the Fluffy had been neutered, vaccinated, HW checked, and was ready to be overnighted at Ford County, I received another email, followed by a phone call that Ford County needed to know which rescue organization the dog was going to. This information was to be put on the papers for transport across state lines and to keep Ford County in compliance with Kansas state law.

Fifth, panic hit! I had no place to take the Fluffy as all rescues had already advised that they were full. At that point, I was told I could not just pick the dog up for fostering until placement was arranged unless I "privately" adopted, but that if I privately adopted and then later took to a rescue facility, according to Kansas law, I would be in breach of contract and could be sued for not notifying the Ford County HS facility first, possibly prosecuted as it would be considered "selling," i.e., rescue for profit. But I could just go ahead and put something on the papers just to get the dog -- not knowing which rescue was going to have an opening first, that would be falsifying a legal document for the purpose of transporting across state lines if it wasn't actually taken to the rescue documented. Being a court reporter, I recognized both as legal situations I didn't want to touch with a 50-foot pole!

Sixth, that is when the "Urgent" blog post was put up.

Seventh, as I've stated before, with the kindness on this site, the tireless efforts of all involved, at 7:00 p.m., on Friday, August 14, 2009, success was finally achieved, and the Fluffy's life has been spared. It only took 30 hours, and was an arduous task, however the call for help went out all over the country, and people stepped up to the plate by responding and helping in any way they could.

However, because of all the red tape incurred by Kansas law, the pick up was delayed on Saturday until the proper paperwork could be finalized this coming Monday as it was after hours that we found a licensed facility in Kansas that would allow me to sign him out on their behalf and foster at my home in Oklahoma.

The end result of all the hard work, loving compassion of people willing to help, forwarded emails, Twitters, phone calls, etc., is that now there are 4 bona fide Corgi rescues interested in the Fluffy and willing to take him in!!!!!!! I have received notice that a Corgi rescue in Manhattan, Kansas, is interested in checking him out.

I am still planning to pick the Fluffy up either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, (as soon as paperwork is finalized) but if the Manhattan rescue gets there before I do, all has still worked out well -- very well as a matter of fact.

My point to this long, detailed narration is simply to educate those who don't/didn't understand. I would ask now if there are any of you who have followed my postings, if you belong to the Yahoo Group of Corgi rescue, to please cut and paste this to them so they, too, will understand. I have received many forwarded emails from people who belong to that group that have been, for lack of a better term, caustic, critical, and down right nasty. Something I never thought I would encounter from a "rescue" person, or for that matter, a Corgi person.

Transporting rescues is not as easy as it appears to those who don't know about the behind-the-scenes details. Even with the brick walls thrown at me, I was determined not to give up on this little guy!

Thank you all again for all the loving support, help, kind words, and most of all the actions taken to save his life! This saga is changing daily, and I will keep everyone posted on where he gets to go -- afterall, he now has a choice!

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Comment by Rachel on August 17, 2009 at 10:12am
I can't believe that a Corgi group would be sending you HATE mail? ???? Bless you for trying so hard to get this dog out of the kill shelter, you really did a good thing!!!
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on August 16, 2009 at 9:57pm
I am so thrilled to hear that he is going to have a chance at a happy life! Thank you for being his hero!
Comment by Beth on August 16, 2009 at 6:01pm
Thanks for all your hard work, and don't let the nay-sayers get you down! I have mixed feelings about some in rescue; around here there are a vocal contingent of rescue people who are strident that NO ONE should be breeding with so many in rescue. I wonder if they fail to realize that many who breed are the same who do rescue--- I know the breeder where we got Jack is very closely involved with rescue. Some are building walls where we should be building bridges.

Much thanks, again, for all you have done on behalf of the lovely fluffy, the others who came before and the ones who are sure to come after.
Comment by LORRAINE on August 16, 2009 at 4:26pm
Well done Deanna, your hard work will surely be rewarded when you see fluffy happy again in a new and loving home that he deserves.
Comment by Libby and Dyddy!! on August 16, 2009 at 2:35pm
Cheers for Deanna! Who not only bit the bullet at the 23rd hour, also came out victorious!

For peole who say negative things, just know they are probably jealous that they didn't do anything even if they could have. However you did the grunt work and Congratulations on that!! If only more people would do that sort of thing, the world (human and animal alike) would be a better place!!
Comment by Jenn on August 16, 2009 at 1:55pm
Thank you so much for saving a corgi life... I never knew all the hoops that had to be jumped in order to rescue a dog from a kill shelter... seems quite disturbing to me that it is so hard to save a life.
Comment by Avyon on August 16, 2009 at 12:44pm
That's horrible that people are doing that. All you're trying to do is save a little pups life and take him somewhere where he can find a good home without the fear of being killed due to many excuses shelters use to put dogs down.. People lose site so easily about why these rescues and shelters originally were created.. If there is a chance to save a dogs life and find a home I don't see any reason why some rules couldn't be bent.. I know there are some reasons for some laws but sometimes I just have to shake my head and be confused.

You're a life saver and you should really keep smiling about that and know a little furball is thankful for having a chance :) Don't let those nasty people make you feel otherwise!
Comment by Deanna on August 16, 2009 at 12:30pm
Sam, my point exactly as far as the nasty emails I've received -- and they're still coming in! Can you believe it?! Not to mention, within their criticism, they have not once asked about the welfare of the Fluffy. Hmmmmm....sound like a true Corgi lover/rescue? NOT!
Comment by Sam Tsang on August 16, 2009 at 10:25am
God Bless you for saving that Fluffy Deanna, we all know what you did and the kind of effort you put in trying to save this little guy's life. It's times like these you learn who will grab a shovel to help you dig out of the situation and who just stand around, point fingers and ASSume.
Comment by Cindi on August 16, 2009 at 9:56am
Thank you for all that you have done, especially for this one fluffy guy. Goddess bless you. Why rescues and adoption organizations act like the animal police I'll never know. I see it all the time and it makes me want to slap them silly. Thank you for following through and if you get any of those emails, feel free to let me blast 'em!

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