well, we finally moved last friday.  still in the process of unpacking and all sorts of madness, but oh my god so happy to be out of our former shoebox sized apartment!

next, we're going to be readying our home and puppy proofing so that by the time the summer is over, we'll be even more prepared.

i absolutely cannot wait!

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Comment by Yuki & Ellie on February 24, 2012 at 8:28am

I've been in my "new" house for 2 years now, and we still have boxes that haven't been unpacked.  ;)  I'm tempted to just throw the boxes out since we apparently don't need whatever is inside, but it would be just my luck that the box would contain pictures or important papers!

Comment by rae on February 24, 2012 at 8:21am

Yes, hopefully late summer/early fall there will be a pup for us! So excited.  We have a yard now, tons of space, and if a puppy bugs the cats they have plenty of places to hide out.

Now, if we can just finish unpacking!

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on February 22, 2012 at 12:22pm

Getting ready for a new puppy is so exciting!  Hopefully you'll find the perfect little boy or girl soon.  :)

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 22, 2012 at 11:12am

Yea!!  It's so much nicer to not be so cramped.  We moved to a bigger house last summer, and I am amazed at how much we needed the space.  I didn't realize it until we did it.  Plus the dogs don't have huge deck steps to walk down in the winter now.  Everyone's so much happier! 

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