barkbox time! yay! and earlier than i expected, too. it arrived yesterday afternoon, barely any time after we got our shipping notice.
as always, this little goober gets excited when he knows something is for him (either that we’ve come home with something special for him from the store or that he’s got something in the mail). anyway, after july’s box being a pleasant surprise, very interested in what this month’s box had in store…
first up in the…
ContinueAdded by rae on August 18, 2013 at 11:38am — 3 Comments
machete’s july barkbox arrived yesterday, and it was full of awesome stuff! like, this was a box chock full of goodies, more than ever before, i think!
now that machete is older, he gets to help open the boxes himself, as opposed to me opening it for him entirely. he gets super stoked for this. of course, now whenever we get any packages in the mail at all, he totally thinks they’re all for him…
ContinueAdded by rae on July 21, 2013 at 10:07pm — 11 Comments
WE WON! well, by "we," i of course mean machete and his adorableness!
(mr. fluffy floofy pants on the KONG bed he so loves & adores)
just got this e-mail:
ContinueCongratulations. You and Machete are the winner of this week’s KONG contest. We will send out your prize package ASAP, we just need to grab the…
Added by rae on June 21, 2013 at 7:31pm — 10 Comments
machete's june barkbox arrived, and boy was he excited!!
i hadn't paid attention to the tracking on this one so much, so was a bit surprised to see it today because i swear we just got the shipment notice...
anyway, there were a lot of awesome things in this box, but i will say one mildly disappointing thing was no toy. everything was treat-based or consumable. i like when we get grooming items, and…
ContinueAdded by rae on June 20, 2013 at 12:47am — 4 Comments
Hi Everyone! We hope you're having a snazzy, corgi-filled weekend!
We entered Machete in the KONG Contest of the week.
Added by rae on June 15, 2013 at 4:10pm — 12 Comments
just saw this was posted less than 24 hours ago on the buddy dog humane society page…corgi looking for a home!
ContinueMeet Iggy, a 4-year-old male Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Iggy is housebroken, friendly, and he knows many commands. He is not used to children, so he is looking for an adult-only home. Iggy does not get along with…
Added by rae on June 10, 2013 at 3:56pm — No Comments
We went to the Whisker Walk today with our pup, and had a blast! Though, I totally lost the dog bed I bought him... :(
Even with my absent-mindedness, we still got a fair amount of pupswag (and things for the cats, too!)
Machete got some special pupday biscuits from Sue's Barkery and they…
ContinueAdded by rae on June 9, 2013 at 11:03pm — 4 Comments
Squishable Corgi Pre-Order: Contrary to stereotype, this pup is not content to just chill out on the Queen's lap! This Squishable Corgi has a tendency to make a bee-line for the wide world…
ContinueAdded by rae on June 6, 2013 at 11:08am — 2 Comments
If anyone is interested, message for e-mail or link invite :)
Happy Memorial Day!
Added by rae on May 27, 2013 at 12:40pm — 2 Comments
Search: "machete" & Vote.
Pretty please?
thanks, corgi peeps :)
Added by rae on May 22, 2013 at 10:53pm — 7 Comments
today machete got his may barkbox! it barely shipped 2 days ago, so we were pretty surprised to see it. but hey, swag for the puppy, so yay!
i vaguely remember barkbox saying something about focusing on outdoor activity type things for this month's box, but i haven't really noticed a "theme" to any of these boxes so far. this one is supposed to be a celebration of summer events? but look, we got all these goodies:
Added by rae on May 19, 2013 at 12:15am — 14 Comments
look at this little goober. he has grown and grown and grown! he has gotten so smart, and he's just the best damn pup. he really is,…
ContinueAdded by rae on May 9, 2013 at 10:17pm — 4 Comments
So, we're doing this on the 5th (5/5/13). And I'm collecting Paws the Park pledges. The 13th annual Paws in the Park is a fundraiser for Save a Dog, Inc., a 501(c)3 tax exempt humane society. For more information visit:
You can find our pledge sheet at …
ContinueAdded by rae on April 26, 2013 at 9:01am — No Comments
machete had a very busy, very active day yesterday. so, when his bark box arrived, he was basically passed the eff out and we didn't open it right away because this:
to perk him up, i opened the box and we found all sorts of awesome goodies! once the box was opened, all of a sudden this little corg was very "interested."
first up in this month's box were these…
ContinueAdded by rae on April 20, 2013 at 12:29am — 12 Comments
We’ve had Machete a little over two months, ourselves, and today he turns a ripe ol’ 5-months-old! Can you believe it?
it seems only yesterday he was a tiny little fluffernugget…and today he’s growing by leaps and bounds (except for his stumpers, which will always be stubby and ridiculous)!
He’s already graduated puppy…
Added by rae on April 9, 2013 at 4:42pm — 6 Comments
our friend jess (who took this adorable photo) painted a picture of señor stumpy mcsnorglepants and it is AMAZING! look how adorable machete is!! look at his little sweater! so cute! (referenced from …
ContinueAdded by rae on April 4, 2013 at 11:09am — No Comments
yesterday we took machete to a pet photographer (Beth Oram Photography) at the local pet store...
we're still waiting on the full set, but ERMAHGERD! CORGI MADNESS!
i'm sorry, i'm not sorry!…
ContinueAdded by rae on March 24, 2013 at 12:23pm — 9 Comments
Machete’s March Bark Box arrived, and it is FULL of goodies! this time, because he’s old enough now, Machete got to help open the box. he spent a good deal of time chewing on the corners to test it for durability…
First up, we got this ADORABLE felted wool mouse from Lollycadoodle that was just his absolute favorite. Seriously, he got some other toys today from an order as well, and…
ContinueAdded by rae on March 20, 2013 at 11:30pm — 13 Comments
haha, NOT! but you know, Machete will be super bummed because snow is his favorite toilet ever...but also because it will soon be too warm for mittens and cozy bundling-up things!
normally, i would not care, but this year my best friend's wife is making me a pair of CORGI MITTENS! ERMAHGERD MERTTERNS!
she finished one, and is working on the second now. i'm not willing more snow just for the awesome mittens, but i am VERY excited. :)…
ContinueAdded by rae on March 12, 2013 at 6:12pm — 6 Comments
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