heard back from the breeder and there is no june litter, failed pregnancy attempt. and the first pretty dog that was going to have a litter this summer sprained her rear leg early spring, so that's out.

potentially two will be in season this fall, so a sept/oct. litter and then we'll have i guess a nov./dec. pup?


want puppy now!!! but this is more time to prepare, get supplies, ready the house.

concerned about taking pups for walks in cold weather, but the winter we had in new england last was barely even considered winter, so who knows. weather is so unpredictable.

here's hoping i can contain my puppy crazies until a litter finally comes!

Views: 119


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Comment by rae on July 2, 2012 at 2:38pm

Thanks for all the kind comments, did not realize my page was set to block them all until approved, or something.

Should be fixed now.

Comment by Jane Christensen on June 22, 2012 at 9:55am

It will be all the more special when you do get a pup:)  You'll have to be a bit more careful with a pup in winter but we live in MN and our winters can be wicked...doesn't seem to bother the pups too much.

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on June 21, 2012 at 11:28pm

Ohhh, how hard that is to be waiting and then to hear you have to wait a bit longer.   Good things come to those who wait, and things happen for a reason!   Hoping for another mild winter for you and us as well, loved the mild winter! :)

Comment by Tomi and Story on June 21, 2012 at 10:43pm
I know it's hard to wait, but it is totally worth it! Last December is when my hubby gave me the go-ahead to get a Corgi puppy, but I knew it would be best to wait 'til summer so I would have time home (I'm a teacher). During that time I contacted about 10 breeders from Kansas to California to talk with them and see who would have puppies available in my time frame. I chose my puppy from a Colorado breeder at the end of March and brought "Story" home the end of May. Waiting stinks but it also gives you time to find THE breeder and THE puppy, and be fully prepared with crates, xpen, toys, etc (plus you have time to find great deals for this stuff online). Good luck and keep us posted!
Comment by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on June 21, 2012 at 12:34pm
Same thing just happend to me! Complications.. now I'm searching again. We must be patient. But I've had his collar, nametag, crate, crate pad, toys, leashes, and food dish for a while. Ahhhh! Good luck!
Comment by Ashley and Zorro on June 21, 2012 at 10:50am

I know how hard it is to wait for a puppy! I knew we were getting Zorro when he was one week old and it was torture to wait six weeks. We slowly bought all his supplies and we looked weird when people came over and we had dog bowls out but no dog haha. Good luck in your wait though, it will be worth it in the end :)

Comment by Sam Tsang on June 21, 2012 at 9:22am

Good things comes to those who wait :)

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