Anyone have any good suggestions for making the Holiday a little more tolerant for Gemima? She is scared to death of all the noise... so far she has a hidey hole she finds in our basement and stays there for pretty much the entire time. Is she doomed to a life of hiding out or can she join the party? She is also afraid of Thunder!!

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Comment by Judith Andre on July 7, 2011 at 2:11am
I just talked to a friend today who tried the thundershirt and said it helped a lot.
Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on July 4, 2011 at 1:22pm
If she is really really frightened you could always ask for a sedative just for the holiday. Usually vets prescribe Acepromazine which doesn't necessarily help with fireworks, better to ask for a valium type sedative like Alprazolam (not sure exact spelling of that one). Also Rescue Remedy is a natural substance you can get at any natural food store. Get the Rescue Remedy for humans, not animals, because it works better. You just put one or two drops on a cracker or piece of bread and feed it to them about an hour or two before fireworks. It works really well to calm their nerves. You can also dilute it and spray it in her bed or crate.
Comment by Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck on July 4, 2011 at 12:38pm
have you heard of the thunder shirt? Kind of late for this year, but worth looking into. Poodeck is also weary of loud bangs ans thunder.
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 4, 2011 at 10:23am
Here's an old discussion

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