ok so my yogi bear has been having problems with fleas since september. I have done everything i can think of to get rid of them: Frontline, flea collar, baths, capstar, bugbomb my house, nothing is working! he is starting to get skin irritation oh his back that is turning into big sores... my vet told me to use oatmeal shampoo and give him benadryl... didnt work... anyone have suggestions or miracle cures lol?

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Comment by Emily Harrison on October 30, 2009 at 11:41am
thank you so much you have all benn very helpful... im gonna try a few of your suggestions =)
Comment by Mieko Kwiatkowski on October 30, 2009 at 12:16am
I used a carpet powder bottle that's meant to kill all stages of fleas and gave him a bath with oatmeal shampoo, but left it on him for 10min. it's been working for about 2 months now. is frontline really bad?? how about frontline plus? i bought 6 mo supply of it to try it out. now i'm kinda disappointed since everybody dislike frontline.
Comment by Jane Christensen on October 29, 2009 at 9:32pm
A key element that Beth pointed out is HOT water and a HOT dryer temp! I had fleas a couple months ago but I did frontline and vacumned and washed...I caught this b/4 it got bad (cat had them 1st). Maybe I was lucky!
Comment by Beth on October 29, 2009 at 8:30pm
Oh, and one of the more useful tools in battling fleas is a good old-fashioned flea comb. You need to use it every day, once or twice a day, but it can minimize the adults that are actually on the pet and interrupt their life-cycle. While fleas will bite people, we are not their preferred prey (thankfully) and if you can keep them off the pet, and vacuum the house thoroughly and often, you can usually get it under control in the house. And of course a preventative that is working will keep newly hatched fleas from going back on the dog.
Comment by Beth on October 29, 2009 at 7:35pm
Are you making sure you don't bath 48 hours before OR after using the Frontline?

I have not heard the best things about Frontline. I concur that you might want to switch to Advantix.

Honestly we had fleas in the house several times when I was a kid and never needed to resort to a bug bomb. I am not saying it never needs to be done, just that we did it with a mix of treating the pet, constant vacuuming, sprinkling flea powder on rugs and leaving them before vacuuming, hot water washing/high heat drying of all bedding, and one of those lighted flea traps. But I realize that some infestations are worse than others and more drastic measures may be needed.

We use Advantix and have never had a flea or tick.
Comment by Sam Tsang on October 29, 2009 at 6:35pm
The flea cycle requires special action to break the cycle. You must do the following in order. 1. remove all pets and human from the house. 2. follow the instruction and bomb the house. 3. while your house is being bomb, give them a bath, feed capstar. 4. once the bomb is done, open all the windows, take all the bedding, your sheets, anything that come into contact with the dog to wash, vaccum the entire house and empty the bag immediately. 5. before re-entering the house, feed comfortis. you may see some scratching for the next couple of days, but it will stop in one week.

As far as sores goes, if it is bloody, you will need to get a pair of scissors and trim the area and surrounding, keep it dry and airy, it will recover within 2 weeks, the fur may take a few months to grow back. Good luck!
Comment by Kristen on October 29, 2009 at 5:51pm
Maybe Frontline isn't working here in Nebraska and that is why we had our breakout. Next go around I will try something else.
Comment by Bay in TN on October 29, 2009 at 5:48pm
Frontline doesn't work in East Tennessee, either. I am loving the efficacy of the Comfortis pill. It works. Yay!!!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on October 29, 2009 at 4:35pm
Frontline has not worked for a couple of years here in Southern California. You might try Advantage or K9Advantix. GOod luck, I know the fleas are terrible this year!
Until the Advantix started working, we used NEEM Protect Spray. It's a flea repellent using natural essential oils.
Comment by Kristen on October 29, 2009 at 4:04pm
For the first time we have had fleas on the Corgi pack. With six Corgis I considered myself lucky we haven't had an infestation before and thankfully I think we had a light infestation. We gave everyone an oatmeal flea/tick shampoo bath...leaving the suds on for about five tortuous minutes--for both the Corgi and the person bathing! Then repeated our frontline treatment. Washed all the bedding and treated the floors. Spray treatment that you can also spray on the dogs. We also treated the lawn. There is a mosquito tratment you can spray on the grass that also kills fleas. I then took a few old pillowcases and stuffed them with cedar chips and plastic grocery sacks and stitched them shut. The plastic grocery sacks were just filler to fluff the pillowcase up. We put the cedar pillows where ever the Corgis seemed to like to lay the most and they love laying on the pillows. Its not a miracle cure, but the cedar is a natural repellant and the dogs seem to enjoy the smell...me too! Poor Yogi Bear. I would buy some salmon oil and put a couple squirts in his food that will help with the skin irritation. All those baths are hard on a Corgi. Good luck. I think we have our fleas just about beat...haven't seen any for a while.

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