I was a little skeptical/nervous about the entire idea. I had always loved the thought of and wanted a dog like the movies. You know, when you come home and a little dog is sitting there, patiently waiting for you? Well, when my parents had dogs, they were crate-trained. It works very well. I can't say anything negative about it, if of course the people are doing it right. Winston LOOOOOOOVES his crate. He has a nice and comfy purple plaid bed (he's in touch with his feminine side lol) and he loves to lay on it when the tile flooring is too chilly or when he gets too hot snuggling on the couch with me.


Whenever I would get ready to leave the house, Winston practically flies into his crate, eager to get a doggy-cookie. (I have never, and I do mean NEVER, witnessed a dog that wasn't underfed be so food-motivated... But I gather that this is a common corgi trait :D I wanted to train Winston to be a house-free dog that could chill out of his crate while I was gone, but I wasn't really sure how to do that. I read that I needed to buy a baby gate and start small, but other than that, I wasn't sure. I also heard that I'd have to suffer ripped interior or destroyed items and I wasn't sure I was prepared for all that.


Well, as some of you may or may not know, I am a college student. Which means that life can be a little hectic and sometimes I'm kind of brain-dead when I rush to get to class... Well, on Saturday (ugh! don't ever sign up for a course that meets on Saturday ever again!) I was in a huge hurry. I didn't get enough sleep the night before, my coffee pot was broken, and I was kind of in a crabby-I-am-so-tired-and-need-caffeine kind of mood. Well, running behind schedule, I was rushed out the door. I didn't think I had done anything unusual and went to class as always.


When I returned home about three hours later, I was quite shocked to find my beloved little Winston sitting on the welcome mat, eager to greet me inside. He yawn-barked and arooo'ed at me and I took him out to potty. I was nervous about the apartment though. Did he eat something? Chew the walls? Tear up the rugs? Eat my cords? I was kind of panicking and I don't really know why. Winston has never done anything remotely like that. As a puppy, he showed no interest in my laptop cords, the tv cables, or the rug edges. He did scratch a paw-sized hole into the wall through his pen once, a few months ago though...


Well, we went inside and I surveyed the apartment. Astonished, I realized that Winston had not done anything, except empty his toy basket completely. I mean, every single toy was on the floor in various spots. And his fish was in the bed, which is a no-no. (No toys in the bed because he starts acting too rowdy.)


Needless to say, I was stoked! So I tried it again. Same results. The only difference was that I closed the door to my bedroom. I am so excited. I've been calling Winston my big boy doggy for the last few days and I'm so happy. So far, we haven't had any problems. I'm keeping his crate, so if I need to enclose him for any reason, but also because Winston really does like his crate. It's like his little den of privacy.


I just wanted to tell everyone how grown up my little Winston is becoming, haha!

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Comment by Ace and Jen on February 24, 2011 at 2:09pm
WooT Winston!

Im a College student also and i had the same feeling about leaving Ace out of his Kennel when i left for work or school
He suprised me though he hadnt gotten into any trouble at all..
But now he has picked up a bad habit of chewing little things up like Pencils, tissues, cardboard.. just little things.. but i dont mind that... not after the couch cushion incident.. thankfully he hasnt done anything recently other then a pencil LOL

But he is really good other then that...

Im happy to hear Winston is doing great~
I need to get a toy basket for Ace lol
Comment by Peggy Woods on February 24, 2011 at 10:59am
Hurray for Winston! Bugsy is always curled into a little log-ball in his crate when I come home. he even acts like I'm interrupting his nap sometimes ;-) There has been evidence of him "nesting" in my bed, but he has been a good boy for a couple months now - and only just a year old! Sometimes for long days however, we connect his folding pen to his crate so he has his own 'house with a yard". put in a couple toys, a chewie, water, etc & he's happy.
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on February 24, 2011 at 5:54am
Its fun to have them their for you when you get home, right? My girls are always free-ranging unless we are out of town. Then they are free-range in the basement.
Comment by Scout & Kelly on February 23, 2011 at 10:05pm

Yay Winston!  I had crate trained Scout when she was a puppy (I got her when I was an undergrad in college, too) and knowing I was going to vet school and that I'd have to leave her at home a lot while I was gone way more than she was already used to, I decided to see how she'd do if I gave her free range.  She's been a free range corgi for a couple years now.  I keep her crate and bed open for her because she likes to go in there and sleep sometimes (I had a corgi cam on her when I first let her free so I'd know what she does). I think they like to have their little den where they can sleep and feel safe, especially when they get to choose when they go in it haha.

And I like that Winston has a purple bed! Very royal corgi! :)

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 23, 2011 at 7:35pm
Way to Winston...tell Tori she might want to keep your crate if you like it so well...mine go in theirs all the time:)

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