Goodbye Ashley. You were a good girl.

She was limping a lot before we left to ARIZONA.  We got a phone call from a friend, who came over to take care of Ash while we were gone, that Ashley couldn't make it out of bed and she peed on herself. She wouldn't eat. Just laying there.Hopelessly!

We rushed home and took her to the vet. He said to give her sronger medicine to see if things would improve. If not, we should start thinking about "it."

It hurts to hear those words.


Couple day before Christmas Eve, we went to aunt Sakura's house to help her, then we got a phone call from my hubby's mom. She was crying and said "Ashley failed and couldn't get back up. She peed and pooped on herself again."

We rushed from again. I cried in the car. I don't want to know "Ashley will leave us soon."

We gave her a warm shower after all those smelly troubles.

On the day she took medicine, she will be a bit better, but won't walk around too much. But if she didn't take the medicine, then she wouldn't be able to do anything at all. I don't want her to live a life like that. To depend on medication. But she hated the medicine. At first, she would eat it with the treats, then she wouldn't anymore. We tried to crushed it and mixed with wet food, she would eat some, then when she figured out the med, she stop eating it. We tried hard to put it in with peanut butter. Eventually she stopped. And then we mixed with water and fed to her. 

So on Christmas Eve, we came to a decision to let Ashley go. She had so much trouble with walking, eating, and going to the bathroom by herself. I don't want see her My hubby has to get up at 7 every morning to take her out side, to go get water, and every night we had to force her to take medicine... She hates medicine, but there is nothing else we could do.


My hubby and I cried so much because we had her for so long. My hubby family adopted her from the pound when she was 4 in February,1998. That means she was about 17 years old in human year.


I miss her so much each and everyday. It doesn't feel right to see an empty bed once we got home from work. It just doesn't feel right.

She left. At 12:14 pm. December 26th, 2011. RIP Ash. We miss you a lot. Noodle misses you too. 

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Comment by Van Nguyen on January 22, 2012 at 4:46am

Thanks  Chris for your comment. It made me feel better. Tho we do miss her a lot, the good thing now is that she's not in pain anymore and be happy forever.

Comment by Chris on January 15, 2012 at 5:15pm

My sister-in-law had the exact same thing happen with her Golden Lab.  He couldn't get up anymore to use the bathroom and went all over himself.  It was then that her and her husband decided it was time to let him go.  We took him to Petsmart (Banfield) and had to carry him in on a stretcher.  I was in the room with him when he was put to sleep.  It was very hard for me, but we wanted to be in the room with him to comfort his last few minutes here on earth.  Your Ashley is now running and playing with all of the other dogs in heaven.

Comment by Van Nguyen on January 6, 2012 at 6:16pm

thanks a lot everyone. this forum is one of the best place to share thoughts and especially everyone here is really caring, :)

Comment by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on January 3, 2012 at 9:24pm

you did everything you could. you'll see her in heaven. God bless you all.

Comment by Katy on January 3, 2012 at 5:42pm
She was lucky to have such wonderful and caring owners, you it seems as though you were lucky too to have her.
Comment by Melvin Brock on January 3, 2012 at 3:37pm

She is now with all our other furry friends playing and having a fun painfree life.  I cant find it right now, but it was a pets last will.  It stated: please go give another poor soul a new life, like you have done for me. Every animal deserves a life without hardships.  It breaks my heart every time I hear of another friend going over the bridge,  Pease.

Comment by Carry Mackenzie on January 3, 2012 at 3:23pm

Sorry to hear about Ashley she was so lucky to have had you all:)))

Comment by Patricia A Columbo on January 3, 2012 at 2:42pm

So sorry - I too lost my corgi a few months ago and thought I would never be heart breaks for you....

Comment by Lawren and Teddy on January 3, 2012 at 2:06pm

I am sorry for your and your family's loss. You took great care of her.

Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on January 3, 2012 at 11:00am

So sorry to hear of your loss.  I hope, in time, that your memories will bring more smiles than sadness.  Much love to you and your family.

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