I haven't been posting anything up lately because I'm kinda busy and I'm kinda annoyed of mean people. But there are way more nice people on this forum than mean ones, so i decided to continuing posting my blog.

The puppies are 5 weeks old now and they are adorable, and so far we found really good homes for most of them. The reason why I said most of them is because we decided to keep one. :) And because we are keeping one, we decided to neuter and spayed everyone because we don't want another unexpected liter like this again. We don't want to have puppies everywhere, and we can't find home for them. We adopted Bear from a friend and didn't know she wasn't spayed, and these puppies come. It was a tough time finding home for them and taking care of them, but we glad that we are able to find home for them. 

And another good thing is that all the people who adopted the puppies are good friends of my hubby so we will be able to see them often. Yay.

Taking care of them is a handful, but I learned  a lot and their cuteness is priceless. :) They started walking for a while now, and they move around a lot so it's kinda hard to get a good photo without them attacking my camera, so i'm only be able to capture these.

Okay, I don't need to talk much, here are some photos.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 16, 2011 at 12:07am

they are so cute! Good job finding them homes :)

Comment by Van Nguyen on December 15, 2011 at 4:32pm

thanks everyone for understanding. We are keeping the first one and her name is Udon. It will be sad seeing them leave the house, especially after 2 months of taking care of them. but at least all of them will have good homes, and that's the most important thing.

Zayed Abu-Hala: you should look thru breeder near your places, that's what we did with Noodle (the dad)

Jennifer Markley: yea, I just don't want anything puppies born messed up of we won't be able to find home for them. just not fair for the puppies. so we decided to prevent thing now before it's too late. and 4 dogs are enough for us to handle. :)

Comment by Suzi, Zeus & Valentine on December 15, 2011 at 12:27pm
awwwwww they are so adorable, glad you found good homes for them :)
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on December 15, 2011 at 9:06am

The pups are so cute.  Thanks for sharing.  I think you deserve a big corgi hug for giving momma a home and rolling with the resulting punches.  It's easy to be a sideline quarterback but you have handled this little surprise with much grace.  Congratulations. 

Comment by Bev Levy on December 15, 2011 at 7:47am

They are adorable! That is the main reason I would never breed...too cute to see them leave! I grew up with it as a child and cried everytime a litter left us.

Comment by Emily & Scout on December 15, 2011 at 7:31am

Thanks for the update on the new babies!  They're all adorable, and I now have puppy envy again. I think you did a good job capturing them in photos


Comment by Zayed Abu-Hala on December 15, 2011 at 1:30am

They are ADORABLE! I am in San Antonio, tx and have been searching for my own corgi puppy, but still no luck! Congrats on the puppies! :D

Comment by Mal Schaal on December 14, 2011 at 11:54pm
Love the expression in #3, it's hilarious! They're all so cute, which one are you keeping?
Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 14, 2011 at 11:07pm

OMG!!  The last one is my FAVORITE!!!  So happy (but kinda sad..) that you found homes for them.  Congratulations on the cute ones! I am also glad that you are being responsible and getting them fixed....

Comment by Gail and Ashton on December 14, 2011 at 10:51pm

So cute! :D

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