Growing relationship but still a mama's boy.

I'm so happy, I could just burst! I went to Florida last Thursday and was very nervous because me and Copper have never spent a day away from each other. He is only six months and I do leave him at home by himself sometimes but I've never stayed the night away from him. My boyfriend, Scott, loves Cop but has never had a dog that he had to take care of by himself so I was worried. I left a LONG list of things Scott needed to know and take care of like taking him outside every couple hours, how much to feed Cop and not to ignore him. It's not that I didn't have faith, just wanted to be sure. I got two picture messages a day without asking for them (of Copper), updates, and lots of gloating from Scott. He called me the one night to tell me he was worried because Copper hadn't pooped since 4 pm and then he got up at midnight and took him out again when Scott had to be up at 4am for work. He texted me at 8am to make sure my stepmom was up and had let him out to see if he had pooped yet. I tried to tell him he only poops twice a day now and to stop worrying, he didn't. lol I missed Copper probably more than I missed Scott which is terrible but I admit it. He's my baby. I take care of everything and I was worried. My previous corgi, Pooh, wouldn't eat when I left and I was terrified Copper was going to be the same way. He wasn't. Scott said he did get sadder by the day and would get on the bed and drag my pillow and sleep with it. AWWW. I came home yesterday to surprise both of them since I wasn't supposed to be home til Wednesday. I had to come home early due to the fact my best friends father died. :( I got home and ran next door to get Cop from my dad's house and as soon as I opened the door I screamed "BABY!!!!" He was SOOOOO Happy to see me he started choking because he was panting so hard. He still hasn't let me out of his sight. He has been all over me and even though I know Scott and Cop have bonded, He's still a mama's boy and that makes me even more happy. Don't get me wrong, I want Copper to love Scott and be close to him but I love being the favorite!

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Comment by Ashley and Copper on March 17, 2010 at 8:49am
Beth, I think that corgis are independent anyways. I'm sure he does miss you while you are gone but he is probably trying to punish you for leaving him or he might associate the girl with treats. Copper has been punishing me since I got home. I smacked him on the nose yesterday for the first time EVER yesterday because he peed in my aunts house after her dog peed. I understand it's a dog thing but he didn't even pee in the same spot and he has never done this and knows better. He has been all riled up and he is calming down since last night but I really do think they punish us when they are mad at us for things. Pooh used to get depressed when I would leave for longer than a day and wouldn't eat, would sulk and when I got home he was SO excited to see me but after that he would sulk and ignore me for a little bit as in "I'm still mad at you for leaving and don't think you are getting off that easy!" He would also love up on someone else for a couple minutes trying the jealousy trip and I know it wasn't that he liked them better because it was normally the people he paid no attention to any other time. I think they are smarter than we give them credit for. He didn't really care for my roommate and yet when I would come home, he would lvoe on me and then follow her around for five minutes and then be my shadow again. She would be like "I don't know what his deal is because he didn't pay any attention to me when you were gone." Truth be told, he ignored her when I was home and gone and hated when she sat on his side of my bed. lol I think they just try to pull the jealousy trip and punish us.
Comment by Beth on March 16, 2010 at 9:40pm
When we travel we board Jack, and I'm sorry to say that when we go to pick him up, he comes out to see us and then is ready to follow the girl there back to the kennels. :-( Jack is very independent. He does love us, but I don't know that he's really sad while we are gone. Madison greets us much more enthusiastically than Jack does.
Comment by christy fry on March 16, 2010 at 9:16pm
I can't wait to get home to my guys after work let alone a trip =)
Comment by Michelle on March 16, 2010 at 3:30pm
I am always so proud to see my babies after being away from them. Glad that it went well!!!

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