I swear I didn't go MIA! I've just been sooo busy with Nugget, Im sure you all understand.

Scare #2: Nugget has Giardia. Got it from one of Lindsay's new pups. I was FUMING! Very upset. 

Scare #3: Ate an earplug. Oh boy. 200$ in x-rays and induced vomiting, lots of confusion as to if he even ate it or not, poops it out a day later. UGH. 

Progress: Sit, Lay Down, Paw, NO BITE, NO! and thats about it! lol! 

Its been a wild ride but I think we're getting it!

Views: 97


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Comment by Becky Focht on February 12, 2015 at 4:00pm

OMG Nugget is SOOOO cute!

Comment by Vicky Hay on February 7, 2015 at 3:39pm

gr! Well, it's not hard to treat. Too bad, though, when the pup is so little. Hope it all passes (uhm...heh) soon. Be careful not to get it yourself. Major hand-washing frenzy time... :-/

Comment by Kristen Nicole on February 7, 2015 at 2:24pm
Vicky- Lindsay confirmed Posey, her new puppy she got had it, but thought it was clear. Quite unfortunate. She offered to refund me 100$ but...I just wanted a healthy puppy. :(

Thanks Susan! I have so many more great pics! I'll post more today :)
Comment by Vicky Hay on February 7, 2015 at 9:58am

That is a great photo!

Giardia? Seriously? How do we know it came from one of the other pups? If there's some proof of that (or an admission), I might ask for reimbursement for that bill! Sweetly, of course...

Earplug. Nice. Creative!! Puppies have a gift for eating interesting objects. Keep those remotes out of reach! :-D

Comment by susan on February 7, 2015 at 8:23am

LOL.  Its still a wild ride for me and I've had Jeli for almost 2 years!  Never a dull moment with a corginator! 

Love the picture.  Nugget is adorable!  They look so cute and innocent its hard to believe the mischief they can create!  ;)

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