Looks Sweet, But Giving Me A Run For My Money!

Well...My husband beat me to the punch. Nugget sees him as the alpha dog. He listens to Tony but not me!!! But...He knows that I'm definitely his momma (that can be taken advantage of). Tony mowed the small lawn we have today with our push mower, you should have seen Nugget's ears standing straight up and shaking! hahaha! It was hilarious. He would run towards it like the little runt could actually do something to it, then come run and hide between my legs. Cutie. He seems to tolerate clothes just fine, but his collar is another story! He says, get this thing off of me! I put it on him for only a few hours a day so he can get used to being a stylish corgi. He already has a closet full of bowties I hand made that velcro onto his collar! Hehe. My mom also sent him a little care package from Chicago, which included the little shirt he's wearing in the pic!

How young was your pup when you started training? Is 8 weeks too young? 

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Comment by Vicky Hay on January 29, 2015 at 10:31pm

LOL! No, eight weeks is good. Just keep the lessons short: 15 minutes at the outside. But you can do them several times a day, if you have a schedule that allows for it. A few minutes with the collar on the leash...as soon as he realizes collar = DOGGY WALK, he'll be thrilled to wear the thing.

I switched over to a little lightweight harness for Ruby, because she's an escape artist with the collar. Cassie prefers a collar, but Ruby does much better with a harness. Each to his own, I guess.

In a few months your pup may briefly "forget" some of the things he learns at this age -- I suspect this is teenage rebellion -- but they'll come back quickly if you introduce them early and do them consistently.

Comment by Kristen Nicole on January 29, 2015 at 4:30pm

Judith!!! Oh trust me I know!! <3

Jen, Susan- Thank you for the tips! I think I got a keeper! 

Comment by susan on January 29, 2015 at 9:46am
He will learn so much and so quickly if you start now. Keep 'training' sessions short and fun. You can do several a day, just make sure they stay fun and positive. You can use some of his mealtime kibble (if that's what you are feeding) as rewards. Keep food rewards teeny tiny - about the size of a rice crispy. Recalls, sit, down, shake are all easy tricks to start with and will teach him that learning is a fun game. Also teach him to allow you to squeeze his paws and nails, inspect his ears, look in his mouth, etc. There are so many things with a new puppy! Have fun!
Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 29, 2015 at 7:27am

8 weeks is definitely not too young to start training.  :)  Practice with the leash, get him learning some basic commands like "sit" and "down" and socialize him as much (and as safely) as you can.  He's at that golden age where he'll soak up these experiences like a sponge and remember that humans are awesome and his particular humans are the ones in charge.

Just remember to keep training sessions short, fun, and always end on a good note~!

Comment by Judith Andre on January 28, 2015 at 11:46pm

You've officially joined the ranks of "Crazy Corgi lady"....welcome!

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