Good things that happened this year;

1. Gainful employment

2. Met fiance.

3. Many many trips all over the northwest and to Las Vegas.

4. Rejoined burlesque troupe.

5 Moved into proper house with a yard.

Bad things;

1. Car broken into and purse and laptop stolen.

2 Identity stolen.

3. Later, car itself stolen.

4. Friend passed from cancer.

5. Aunt's cancer is terminal.

6. House doesn't allow pets.

7. Job sucks.

Mathematically it's turning out to be a neutral year, in actuality it's been rather a rollercoaster ride. This house doesn't allow pets, so sadly no corgi yet. The lease is up in May, though, and the next house will have to accept pets. I've convinced the boy we need a corgi by stating either we're having a corgi or having a baby. Puppies always win.

Edit: Well, I put my notice in at work, I just can't take the job anymore. Half the time I'm sitting for hours doing absolutely nothing, and the other half I'm being yelled at by people who can't manage their money. There's a lovely knitting shop that moved in down the street, hopefully they'll take me on. I'd be perfect for that!
Angela; I'm using my fiance's baby-phobia to by advantage in this one. :)
Bev; thank you very much. It's been a year of mixed blessings, but I've learned a lot about life, mortality, and always keeping a club in the car.
Wendy; I love Bridget Jones' Diary, it sound kind of like that doesn't it? :) I'll spare everyone my struggles with weight, though.

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Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on November 16, 2010 at 2:15am
Except in my house sadly, corgis do not beat babies with my hubby. :( I have neither as well, but here's hoping for a corgi for you and I both by next June!
Comment by Bev Levy on November 15, 2010 at 8:45am
Don't worry, there will be a place for a corgi or two in your life soon. Hoping your pain and joy balance itself out in the future...
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on November 14, 2010 at 2:25pm
Except for the cancer your list was hilarious. I read it out loud to my husband (I left off the cancer part) and he cracked up and said, "very cute...good writing." Heck of a year! But glad you met your fiance. BTW, did you see Bridget Jones Diary? Moved into a proper house with a yard seemed like something Bridget would note in her diary. But it doesn't allow pets. I'm assuming you have a corgi, no?

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