what i thought was a friend and a person that was a person that really cared for the corgis ended up being a person from hell i ask linda to watch fila for me while i was in between houses i thought it would be the best person for fila i took her over to her house told fila i would see her in a couple of weeks when i called linda to pick her up she stated that i wasnt getting her back i was going thru craigs list i saw fila in a ad it stated that she was dumped on her front steps overweight she was the same weight as when i adopted her she stated the she had dental problems there was nothing wrong with her teeth she stated that that she hadnt been to a vet for many years her shots were up to date but she was about due for her rabies she had a 3 yr shot she was healthy just because i didnt take her to the every month or two she didnt need it and i could not efford it but when need it i took her and she was spoiled had all the meds she needed (ie heart worm,flea and tick,and the rest of her monthly meds) she stated that she was confused and didnt know what to do she wouldnt to be stuck in a crate and let out every so often she was used to going everywhere with me she ran the house she sleep on the bed with me i guess that when i stopped doing things for her and the fund raisers and she didnt need me any longer she became the person from hell she took away my world fila was my best mate she went with me everywhere she is tryng to play god with peaple and these dogs she dont care what happens as long as it benafit her she even turned down trainers from purina farms that was well qualified for a dog if i had the money i would hire a lawyer to get my fila back i really miss her i will try to get another corgi if i cant get her back

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Comment by Jane Christensen on November 26, 2010 at 12:11am
I agree with what Jane and Geri say! Good luck!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 26, 2010 at 12:04am
Yes, do what Jane says, and get your baby back. What that person did was terrible.
Comment by Jane on November 24, 2010 at 9:44am
I would get any vet records, adoption records, anything that showed you were her owner and took good care of her, and go file a report at your police station.
Comment by Sam Tsang on November 24, 2010 at 12:54am
I am so sorry to hear that Robert, that is NOT RIGHT.
Comment by Kaisdy on November 24, 2010 at 12:28am
hope you can get her back soon~~~~~
Comment by Katie on November 24, 2010 at 12:26am
I am so sorry.
Comment by ROBERT MORITZ SR on November 23, 2010 at 11:30pm
i miss you fila

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