It's been almost 4 weeks since Bento came into our lives.  He is really the bestest puppy ever!  We've been training him every day, and so far, he knows sit, bento, and down.  He's starting to learn stand, fetch, and come/recall.   


He definitely got a personality.  There's a stubborn streak in him.  When he's training with my husband, and my husband is a harsh grader, Bento would let out a bark of frustration when he didn't get a command correctly and therefore no treat. He would then pick up one of his many toys from the floor and head to his crate and gnaw on it.  He's done with training!


Of course, he loves food.  So far, there isn't anything that he doesn't like to eat.

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Comment by Z & Lisa on August 5, 2011 at 6:01pm
That's so funny. Badger does the exact same thing. He gets really frustrated too. We have to put all the toys away so he won't get distracted during training time. After training is done, we bring out the toys.

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