It's been two weeks since Bento joined our home, and Bento has learned many things.


  1. He will pee/poop on the puppy pads; as long as the puppy pads are near him when he has to go.
  2. He has learned that close is close enough, and it's good enough for him.  See above.
  3. He chews on the puppy pads to get mommy's attention.  (Mommy is working on not paying attention to him when he chews on pad and to bitter apple the pads like crazy.)
  4. He loves peanut butter!
  5. He learns to sit for treats.
  6. He knows that lie down will get him more treats.
  7. He will tolerate mommy or daddy brushing his fur, bathing him, touching his paws, and any other grooming routines.
  8. He will not tolerate the stupid collar that's around his neck.
  9. He learns that the collar isn't so bad as long as there's a treat.
  10. He realizes that the collar may be attached to something that's called a leash.
  11. He chews on the leash because it's soft and chewy.
  12. He learns that human toes are "no bite."
  13. He's not entirely sure what "no bite" means though--especially when he's excited.
  14. He loves carrots.
  15. He loves mommy and daddy.

Views: 31


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Comment by JENNY & COBY on July 14, 2011 at 3:39pm
sooo cute!!! i feel the love~
Comment by Solomon & Naomi's Page on July 12, 2011 at 9:50pm
Awwwww, how cute, wait till he goes thru the terrible 2's.  Sounds like you are having alot of fun!!!

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