We just got home with Jackson, and WOW...things are going GREAT!! He did absolutely awesome on the way home, slept probably half of the time and destroyed his purple dinosaur that Jane gave him for the ride home the rest of the time. We stopped to potty, but I think he was too scared to do anything. Seanna and Sage have welcomed him into the pack without any grumpiness at all--although I think at times he's still a little overwhelmed with Sage's hyperness. (As are we all....)

He has taken to Amber like they were meant to be together. Everything happens for a reason!! I will post more as the days go on, but he fits in so perfectly.....

Day one complete!! What a beautiful soul Jackson is! He reminds me in some ways of my Dillon, my corgi mix that died 3 years ago. Just a gentle soul...Amber and him are best friends already! He slept on her waterbed with her all night, curled up next to her like that's where he was meant to be. I tried to get a picture, but he woke up when I came in. Darn it!! I got up an hour early today to be able to spend some time with him before I had to go to work. He curled up next to me on the couch, and rolled over for his belly rub and went to sleep. It's so nice to have a snuggle dog! Seanna has the attention span of a flea, so doesn't sit still very long.

Today was the tense day with the other dogs. This morning they weren't really sure what was going on--my guys were like "you're still here?", and he was like "where do I belong?"...just the usual pack order stuff they need to figure out, but no real aggression with each other as far as order goes. Seanna gets nippy when I'm petting him, she comes to butt in and snaps, but we've gotten that stopped I'm pretty sure. Amber took them out back tonight in the yard, and got all three of them to play together. I noticed a huge difference in the tension level when I got home--there was none!! They are all working together like they've known each other their whole life. It helps that Jackson just looks at Seanna like "what's your problem" and turns and walks away--kind of like my husband does with me when I'm not being very nice....

So far so good!!

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Comment by Lawren and Teddy on October 27, 2010 at 5:52pm
They both look so happy! Yay Jackson! Yay Amber!

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