Well, it's been quiet an uneventful week. YAY! Out of the 4 times I have left the house in the last 2 days, only yesterday afternoon was there minor barking and whining, which stopped after only a few minutes. I had 3 times of NO BARKING! YAY!

Shy dog class on Tuesday was interesting. I am the only single person there with the most crazy dog who is also the youngest and have had my dog the least time. She was quiet distracted (a big problem for us) when we did the exercises, but when she could focus (for those 2 minute spurts) Poppy was very good! I need to find a quiet place to work on her skills.

She started daycare today at a place near my apartment and I am sure she'll do fine there.


-I got her some different (more expensive, but recommended) food last weekend that I have been mixing in with the old stuff and it doesn't seem to be making a difference, so I think I am going to go back to the old stuff. Also, I wonder if I am feeding her too much, because she rarely finishes her food everyday.

-The iQ ball toy that Jen recommended was fantastic the first day, Poppy loved it! But since then, she just ignores it. I have it open to the easiest section, but it's still too hard for her and she gives up easily. Maybe I'll take it away for a few days and then give it back and see what happens.

-regarding food, sometimes I wish she was more like a corgi (vacuuming up every thing in sight) and more treat motivated because then maybe she would be easier to train but she is easily distracted and if she doesn't like what I have in my hand, she easily ignores it (and the command), but then sometimes I am glad because I don't have to worry about her putting weird stuff in her mouth. I don't know, something I think about.

Got some stuff planned for the weekend (plus her flea med! YAY!) but more of just the regular.

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Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 12, 2012 at 12:49pm

Out of curiosity, what food do you feed her?  You could try getting samples and see if there's a kind that she really loves to eat.  Yuki was always very ho-hum about his food until I switched it from Science Diet to Wellness Core (and then again to Taste of the Wild, though he did just fine on Wellness Core.)  It could just be that you have the rare not-interested-in-food corgi.  ;)  Not necessarily a bad thing, as you won't have to worry about her getting overweight!  And as for training, try to find a food that she goes nuts over (for Yuki it's a green bean, banana or piece of meat) and use that.  If there's nothing she's interested in, ask the trainer at the Shy Dog Class to see what he/she thinks you should try.

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