Well, this weekend was interesting. I came home at lunch on Friday to pee in the pen, which hasn't happened all week. I wonder what brought it? It frustrated me, but since it already happened, there wasn't much I could do to Poppy at that moment. What I did do was make her pen smaller so there is really only room for her bed and food/water dishes, which is something I should have done a while ago. She only seems to pee like once a week, but maybe this will help is not happening again. We'll see, my hopes still aren't too high.

I went out on Friday and since I gave Poppy all the different types of calming treats during the day (for a slight fear of OD'ing her), I gave her some Rescue Remedy at night which didn't really work. Though I am not sure what didn't work, since I rarely go out at night. I left a lamp on, with Rescue Remedy and a kong in her pen and left around 9pm and waited in the hall for about 30 minutes. She barked pretty much the entire time until I had to really leave, though she calmed down a little, but not as well as during the day, during the week. When I came back about 3 hours later, she was rolled up in her bed, quiet, so she quieted down as usual eventually.

The rest of the weekend went fine. Saturday was busy with trips to the dog park (two of them, one was pretty dead, but I still like it and the other was packed and a bit ghetto and I think she got fleas there as I have been finding more then normal at the moment, boo. She is due for the flea treatment on Sunday, I can't wait!), trips to my parents house for a nice long walk and to Petco for more food. She came back to my place and just crashed out.

Sunday was hiking day, which she did fine on again.

The biggest issue that I am now dealing with is barking at strangers. When we see people in the hall, she barks at them. When my mom came into the room, she barked at her (very weird). Those are the two biggest barking issues that seem to have come out of nowhere at the moment, especially barking at my parents. I wonder if she was wearing something or smelled different, but who knows. When we hiked yesterday, after it got dark, a dog came up quickly behind us and she would not stop barking at it! I think she barks at the unknown, so that is something to maybe work on.

Stuff for this week:

-I am going to video tape her again this week, to see if there are any changes from last

-Shy dog class starts tomorrow! I can't wait.

-Day care at a place close to my house that I really liked starts Thursday!

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Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 9, 2012 at 2:41pm

Sounds like she's settling in nicely.  :)  Yuki is a shy dog, too (or was when we got him as a puppy, anyway) and he never barked at all.  That is, until he finally settled in and accepted that this was his new home.  Then the barking at noises/strangers began.  This may be what has started with Poppy, too (though I'm no expert, so don't take that as being absolute!)  The classes and daycare should help her through her anxieties and, if you keep consistent with her training, get her to stop reacting to strangers like that.  Now if I could just find a class like that for Yuki!

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