I just wanted to make a list of all of Jesse's funny little quirks, now that she's coming out of her shell.
1. squeaker toys-love the toy but is freaked out every time she makes it squeak (kinda funny)
2. eats kibble one... bite... at.. a.... time... (at least she's not gorging herself?)
3. hates the leash- she's getting better every day though.
4. half of the time she wont listen to me, but as soon as I have food I can't get her off of me.
5. She had me fooled. I thought she couldn't jump on our bed but my fiance threw his phone down on the bed. She jumped up, grabbed it, and started chewing on it. LOL. yet I can't get her to touch the nylabones...
6. She wont let me type on my laptop! I'm convinced she's trying to type for me.
7. obsessive compulsive licking.
8. She nudges my hand when she wants her ears or head rubbed.
9. And finally, she loves ping pong balls. I think she just likes to play with them for awhile then crush them. (normal corgi need to destroy everything.
10. Oh and i guess I can add a number 10. She loves to shred paper. Note to self: Don't do homework on the floor/or have homework where she can easily get to it. Also, I need to video her in action so my professors believe me when I tell them she ate my homework.

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Comment by Cassandra on July 26, 2010 at 10:09pm
I get the kibble thing! Molly takes a couple of kibbles from her bowl in the kitchen, then drops them on the living room floor and eats them one at a time, then goes back to the kitchen for seconds... and thirds... and... I figure she can eat like that all day because it takes so long and she's getting a little exercise with every bite!

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