I tell ya - our puppy is the cutest thing in the world, but it's decieving. Ollie bites contantly. You cant touch him anywhere with him trying to bite you. If I try to substitute my finger for a toy, he'll bite the toy once or twice, then go after the fingers. Most of the times he'll ignore the toy all together and go for the fingers that are holding it! He bites our toes, our faces, our hair, out pant legs...anything. I realize he's still a brand new puppy... almost 10 weeks, but wow. It's like we have to ignore him most of the time because all he wants to do is bite! I hate having to do that, because he stays in the crate during the work day - he needs attention!

We say OW! and stop playing with him, but then he just goes after our feet. We stand still, say STOP IT! and he keeps on biting. We've tried a spray bottle - I think he likes it. We've tried the crumpled can with the coins - it just confuses him for a second before he resumes his assault.

He's very difficult to work with outside on the leash, as well. If I try to walk or jog, he'll go after my pants. If I let him do his own thing, he tries to eat mushrooms under trees, pine needles, and anything else he can fit into his mouth.

By no means am I surprised or overwhelmed by any of this, mind you. I just felt like whining a bit - I will say that I am already over the "puppy chapter". We'll be taking him to puppy school in a week or two. Hopefully he'll at least learn the basics. Whew!

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Comment by Sylvia on January 24, 2009 at 1:54am
I may be the mean ol puppy mom but I'll tell you what, you're allowing him to get away with WAY too much in my opinion. You're right, he may only be 10 weeks old, but he's also 10 weeks old if that makes sense. Next time he tries to bite you, anywhere, grab his lower jaw in your hand or your thumb and first finger and give him a harsh NO. If that doesn't work and he continues grab him by the scruff of the neck and put him down on the ground with you OVER him. It's a dominance thing and I'll tell you what. A few times of that and Ollie is really going to think twice about biting your fingers, hands, toes, etc. While distraction techniques are a nice idea, sometime its better to go straight to the point.
With Mac we used the hold down technique a few times and it cut the "biting" in half. Then after that whenever we would play with him if he even tried biting we would LOSELY *cant stress that word enough. Im not harming him, just correcting him* shut his muzzle and say "no bite. no bite." He figured out very shortly there after that he can mouth all he wants so long as he doesn't BITE down. He's now four months old and completely doesn't bite anything but the toys we give him. He's been teething now for at least a few weeks and has not touched a shoe, cord, or anything else that does not belong to him. I hope this helps.
Comment by Ollie and Dinah on January 19, 2009 at 7:08pm
Yup. Ollie's puked twice since we got him - and seeing vomit full of undigested flora doesn't leave much room for interpreting the cause of the upset stomach! I've started taking him to a different area that has less distractions. However, it seems that he prefers to do his #2 on top of pine needles, so we still have to take him out back for that - haha! Most of the time when he starts rooting through the grass or pine needles for something of interest, I just cover it up with my foot. He eventually looses interest, but I still have to pull something or another from his mouth every time we go out.
Comment by Chris and Bugg on January 19, 2009 at 2:22pm
As with Pat above, Bugg eats all kinds of stuff outside and I really have to watch him. On Saturday, he must've eaten a plant, a wood chip, or some armadillo poo...because he got sick later that night. :( Poor guy...
Comment by Pat Piotrowski on January 19, 2009 at 12:43pm
Katie was the same way, shes 2 yrs old now, and it took until she was abt 1 1/2 for her to fully understand that biting was not allowed. even now, if she gets really wound up she still forgets and bites. We just have to keep reinforcing the "no bite" sign. Shes pretty smart and catches on before she bites.
Boy I thought it was just her doing the biting!
I thought she may not have had enough time with her litter mates, and that may have been why, now I'm starting to think its a "Corgi thing".

Katie also gets into things in the back yard. Pine cones, ect, I caught her once trying to eat a rock when she was a pup! We have to REALLY watch her outside. Shes gotten sick twice now from picking up stuff on the ground that we didnt catch.....this must be a corgi thing too..
Comment by Ein Danger on January 19, 2009 at 12:43pm
my pup's already 5 months old and he's still a biter :( luckily, if we tell him to stop he does so immediately. we're still gonna take him to puppy obedience classes as well. perhaps your pup's teething. ein's teething like crazy. we keep finding his puppy teeth around the house! i can make a necklace with the ones i've found! perhaps frequent walks or real long walks will help break this behavior. maybe he has a lot of pent up frustration or maybe he just gets too excited and gets anxieties when he sees a fleshy little hand around.
Comment by Ollie and Dinah on January 19, 2009 at 11:49am
We bought him a chilly bone that you freeze. It was supposed to help with the teething. He gets bored with it.
Comment by Carolyn Allen on January 19, 2009 at 11:37am
My dogs also had a biting problem with everything that was within their reach... We sometimes buy toys for Alex to chew but she doesn't like them. But we did find this one toy that is a hard plastic-like bone or at least i think so. And it unscrews at the ends.... then you buy little treat disks that can go around the bone. It usually lasts her a few hours. Or my other dog likes to chew on ropes.... Maybe try some of those. I think it is just that dogs can get bored and at his age, his teeth must hurt a lot...

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