Here is what I learned from yesterday's interior painting...1.) Oil based paint fumes are toxic to animals. I thought I would have to take Amy to the emergency vet with neurological and emotional distress. 2.) The burners on your gas stove burn the paint fumes and turn them into something that smells like kerosene and makes you think you are about to die. 3.) Corgis are like furry cockroaches and none of the above seemed to bother them.
Seriously, we had a scary night with our mix-breed after the painters left. I had Amy and Twinkie in the basement in crates. Logan was in his crate in the garage. I guess the fumes might have settled in the lower lever being heavier than air (?) and when I brought them up Amy was going nuts. She was not walking correctly (lifting her front legs too high and her back legs were sliding out from under her. She was crying very loudly and stopping every few steps to chew whichever foot she could get into her mouth. I gave her one of her tranquilizers and call my mom (aka Crazy Dog Lady). I put Amy in her Thunder Shirt and put she and Twinkie in the garage. I made Amy a scrambled egg to see if she would eat. She ate the egg and started to calm down. When she came in she was walking fine and wanted to eat more. All of the dogs kept going with the foot licking. Today the painters are back and all of the dogs are in the garage with the door open and plenty of fresh air. Whew!
Glad to hear they're doing okay now. I'll be doing some painting of my own next week (living room and dining room) so I'll have to be doubly sure the windows are open and there is plenty of ventilation. I use Zero VOC paint, though, and Yuki did just fine when I spent a week painting our bedroom (he slept in it every night with me and was often in there as I painted, too.)
Ironically, we used oil-based paints to paint the doors so the dogs would not ruin them if they jumped on them.
glad to hear they are all doing ok
Whenever you do any painting prep that involves chipping and especially sanding old, paint, assume it contains lead. Wear a dust mask, contain the dust, keep kids and pets away from it, clean it up promptly and thoroughly. Always be suspicious of dust. More old building materials contain asbestos than you'd like to know.
Oil based paint? Does anybody use oil-based paint anymore....?
Isn't life interesting. Glad to hear everyone is OK
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