in like 10 minutes, on my lunch break/lunchtime puppy visit, and it was AWESOME and adorable and he manages to maintain his little puppy composure in the midst of my hysterical squealing and fits of glee! 

this is the face of one accomplished puppy :p

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Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on February 22, 2013 at 6:15pm

Oh my gosh I just looked at all the photos at: (and I mean ALL) and he is so CUTE.   Makes me want another puppy.  I mean Wilson is still technically a puppy but he really just looks more like a miniature adult Corgi now.  He's adorable, but I'm feeling a little sad that the little, puppy part of him is gone.  I love, love love the video of his first night falling asleep.   We have had the same experience with Wilson since day one in that he's been such a good little puppy.  He loves our cats, he loves our other dogs, he's slept through the night in his crate since the day we brought him home, he was good at the vet, likes to ride in the car.  I mean, you just couldn't ask for more.  I'm so happy for you that you have your sweet little guy.  I'm looking forward to watching Machete grow up !  

Comment by rae on February 22, 2013 at 5:30pm

haha we totally are wilson waddlepants's friend on facebook! before i even knew y'all were here on mycorgi, too.  

machete is 15 weeks today! we almost have a 4 month corg on our hands!

machete's fb is here:

Comment by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on February 22, 2013 at 1:58pm

That is so stinkin cute.  Our little guy, Wilson WaddlePants was taught how to shake by our 33 year old son.  I had been working with him prior to that, and he was sort of getting it, and then all of a sudden in one training session he "got it".  I was so excited and like you, I was squealing hysterically !    How old is little Machete !  Wilson is about 21 weeks old.   Does Machete have a Facebook page ?  Did you already visit Wilson's?

Comment by Rocky Road Gallagher on February 21, 2013 at 5:13pm

I wish this was a video! Congrats little guy!

Comment by rae on February 21, 2013 at 1:35pm

that's the same book we have! he knows kisses, too!  it's just the shake instructions were more geared to a larger dog and talking about coming up halfway and all that stuff, and he is a wee lil thing.  but now he gets it! :)

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 21, 2013 at 1:21pm

He looks so proud!!

I was amazed at Seanna's ability to learn new things so quickly.  I had to get the "101 dog tricks" book just to keep her out of trouble.  

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