We had his "exam" today at 3 p.m. and I was delighted that Madoc passed the ten elements. It may have been "by a whisker"-- we need to keep working on heeling and turns. My kids thought our concern about the test was hilarious-- could he rescue a drowning child in a lake? Alert firefighters to a burning building? Vote in the next election? Nevertheless, we are proud of our furbaby!

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Comment by yvonne reames on August 29, 2010 at 10:06pm
Awesome! Way to go!!
Comment by Kathryn Graham on May 8, 2010 at 9:19pm
We took an Intermediate Obedience class. It stressed the elements for the CGC. The course ran 6 weeks, and then we could sign up for an exam time. It was fun to learn the elements in class and practice with other dogs and owners. The Golden Retrievers (majority in the class) were all so laid back! Corgis have a certain energy!
Comment by Zach and Lisa on May 8, 2010 at 9:13pm
Congrats! I can't wait to get Midas and Dozer officially training for it! How was the preparation?
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 8, 2010 at 8:00pm
Congratulations to both of you!!!!!! Way to go!

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