What a day! I was up at the crack of dawn (I think, because it was still dark in the room) but Daddy, Mum and Lily didn't get up for hours! I could hear Mum letting Lily outside even though she whispering and then I heard the food bags rustle. I started calling out "I'm here! Come get me! I'm so hungry!" but, still, she didn't come. So I stacked up my toys in the corner of the bin. Then, I gathered all my might and lept at the top of the bin. It took several tries but, finally, I sailed over the edge -- right into Mum's arms.

As she carried me to the deck door, she was mumbling "Hrmmp! That's the end of that!" and then she let me in to a marvelous breakfast.

I was so excited to say good morning to Lily I couldn't help but throw myself at her, trying to kiss her face. As usual, she was not amused and grumbled at me everytime. But, this time, her tail was wagging (a little) and Mum noticed it and didn't scold me.

I played by myself for awhile, then Mum sat down on the floor with us and threw our toys this way and that. They always get tired before me but that's okay since I can play by myself.

Matt came over after class and held me up to the laptop so that Mum could take a picture. They said it turned out perfect and Mum said she would put it on the internet. I don't really know how to work the laptop (despite how it looks in the picture) so I'll just trust that she knows what to do.

Later, Mum and I went for another car ride -- again in the halter and 'baby crate'. We went to the vet. He was very soft-spoken and kind. I liked him, especially, when he gave me two little biscuits. When Mum put me back in the crate, he slipped an extra one in for the road.

Once we got home, Jessica was there and she took me outside to play in the leaves. She is so sweet and pretty and her voice sounds just like Mum's harp. I didn't want to come in but she always misses Matt and wants to be near him. She hugged and kissed Lily, too (for some reason they seem like old friends).

Mum and Lily went off to the bedroom tonight (Mum wasn't feeling well) and Daddy and I went in the guest room to watch TV. He was tired and talking on the phone so we didn't get to play much.

At bedtime Mum gave me a bit of a Pupperoni and Daddy took me out. He had me kiss Mum good-night. Then he held me down to Lily to kiss and she didn't crab -- but she didn't kiss me either!

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Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 15, 2010 at 4:42pm
We love your tale, Molly. Life at Rose cottage sounds absolutely wonderful!! And you're a real cutie!! Playing in the fall leaves was always my favorite. But we don't get them in Florida, so it is something I definitely miss. Hope your mum is feeling better!!

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