Bailie is doing great on her training but at the moment she can only do lay down roll over and play dead if we lure her to the floor with a treat. I would like her to do them with a hand signal without having to bend to the floor. Any suggestions?

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Comment by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on April 21, 2012 at 7:50pm

Keep training. Eventually add a hand signal to your lure; as you lure her to the position make a hand signal at the same time with your free hand. Overtime once she gets what your asking her to do, you can slowly take away the lure until she just responds to the signal. At first it's best to remain on the ground with her so she doesn't get confused and jump into standing position with you. Each time you succeed with the hand signal stand up a little taller and soon you can do the trick standing up :) Hope this helps!

Comment by Shou on April 21, 2012 at 4:54pm

I think sometimes the problem with dog training is that dogs read our entire bodies, while we think we're only using our hands. My old roommate had a pit-lab mix that I taught how to sit. I had put my right hand over her head to lure her to sit, but kept my left hand behind my back to hide the kibble... Once she learned it, she would sit down automatically when I did that. But only if my left hand was also behind my back. Haha. Didn't mean to teach her that. They're too smart for us sometimes.


I'd say maybe you can try to train a voice command while your luring, so it'll free you up from having to bend to the floor. And then once she can do it with just the voice command, start introducing a hand signal again.

Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on April 20, 2012 at 5:42pm

I would guess that will come with maturity and repetition.

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