Anyone else have a corgi with a sensitive tummy?

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Comment by Jane Christensen on May 5, 2012 at 10:09pm

Bella has a sensative stomach and after getting really sick and several tests with nothing found the vet said it's probably a protein allergy. I took her off chicken(I always have fed grain free) and out her on TOTW bison and/or salmon. She is much better. I also give her about 1/2 cup warm water on her food all the time as I don't think she drinks enough water. She has been fine since and that was about a year ago.

Comment by Bev Levy on May 5, 2012 at 8:28pm

My doberman has a very sensitive stomach and the only thing that helped was prescription dog food. Science Diet I/D

Comment by Alison Prasavath on May 5, 2012 at 6:54pm

I forgot to add that his sensitive tummy has landed us in the ER vet twice and him hooked up to fluids. Never did find the reason as to what caused his tummy issues and that is why I chock it up to him having a sensitive tummy. My poor baby.

Comment by Alison Prasavath on May 5, 2012 at 6:52pm

Noodles has a sensitive stomach as well, but we haven't had any problems with finding food for him to eat. I just really have to watch what he eats. In fact, he can't even eat a whole baby carrot or else that upsets his tummy. He is fine with half a baby carrot every day, just not a whole one. I mix green beans in with his dry food for dinner, but to tell you the truth, pumpkin has been the best for him. I purchased 2 pumpkins last year, cooked them and divided them up in dinner size portions (ice cube trays). Pumpkin has worked wonders with his tummy and he loves it!

Comment by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 5, 2012 at 5:42pm

Chase has a sensitive stomach, we discovered that he is allergic to wheat. We switched him to a grain free formula of dog food. We are still testing the brands because he did not seem to like the taste of the first brand we tried. Your vet may be able to help. I would talk to your vet on the next visit or just give him a call.

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