We thought we would drive out to Indiana to pick up Morna, but our kids (all grown...think we're feeble!) were really against driving from Myrtle Beach. They reminded us of the snow and ice that we left behind when we moved from Penna. We did some research and talked to our puppy's owner and the long and short of it is that it looks like the little one will be shipped to Charlotte, NC which is only 4 hrs from our home. It is also the closest place for us to pick her up from a non-stop flight. NOTHING comes to MB non-stop except the casino run (Atlantic City, NJ to MB).

Kerri (breeder) and I have talked and are trying to work out the details so that it will be as trauma free as possible for the puppy, and so my kids don't have strokes... (ages 32 to 46... the shoe is on the other foot now, I suppose... we used to tell them what wasn't a good idea and the tables have turned!)

As soon as our arrangements are finalized I'll let everyone know. I am planning to sleep in an old tee shirt for a few nights, then seal it in plastic bag and send it to Kerri so she can put it in the shipping crate/kennel. Hopefully, when we pick her up, Morna will recognize my scent and be happy to see me.

PS: Contrary to the fact that my kids don't want us driving in snow, we are having to do it today. MB actually has about an inch of snow today! My 4 yr old grandson never saw snow before, and he was out having a snowball fight with his mom, and catching snowflakes on his tongue! Who knew? I'd like to say it's pretty, but it's not really enough for that... just enough to make it slippery and damp and cold!

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on January 20, 2009 at 8:09pm

Good luck and enjoy her.
Comment by A & P on January 20, 2009 at 7:17pm
Congratulations on getting a new Corgi! Parker and Penelope were from Northern CA and we were unable to drive to get them (10 hours away by car and 2 hours by plane) and our breeder was able to fly them both in the same crate. They were able to fly in the airplane vs. the cargo area. I would suggest that you call the airlines to find out where to pick up Morna. Perry and I were running all over the airport to find them and it turned out they were behind the check in counter at the airport! At the end, it turned out great!
Comment by Michelle on January 20, 2009 at 5:12pm
Congrats. I know she will be very happy in her new home!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on January 20, 2009 at 4:14pm
She is so cute.....reminds me of my Griffyn. She does look a little fiesty. I'm sure she will sleep through the trip.

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