tis the season where the dogs start putting on the pounds due to cold weather and not getting to chase the hose in the hot summer sun
Well Ace is going on a diet AGAIN... thanks to a certain parentals of mine Ace has got a chub gut lol so Diet and excersize he is getting lol
Gave both dogs a bath... Ace got one last night before bed due to him.. smelling like poop *literally* and having some caked in his fur from rolling in it EEEEW lol
i didnt wanna sleep with poop smelling dog lol Buffy got one today because she was wet and mom and I assumed she had had another accident *she hasnt had one in MONTHS since she got some pills to help her* lol turns out i was HALF ASLEEP when dad told me she tripped and fell in Ace's pool... why was it out this late during the year filled with water... Well this is Oregon.. this time of year we see ALOT of rain LOL not to mention we have been having a wind storm and the wind blew the pool off the hook and the rain filled it up.. poor ol buffy got accused of having an accident.. but me and mom both agreed she needed one anyways ^_^
mom and me were discussing the fact that the time is growing near when we will have to put the old lady down.. mom i know is more accepting of it but im still scared and unsure... I've never had a being in my life other then human family so im a lil scared to lose her.. but i told mom i want her cremated.. i know it sounds weird but i just cant stand the thought of putting her in the ground >^<;
Im starting to be ok with the thought of having to put her down.. but i know im gonna bawl my eyes out when the time comes.. thank god Ace is here.. i think i would be totally crushed if i didnt have his cheery face here to cheer me up during this time..
Speaking of Ace.. he went into the store for the first time IN TRAINING lol :) he did really well sat when i told him to~ waited until i said it was ok to greet im such a proud parent.. and he has been going to photography class with me as well.. and January ill be expecting his service animal vest :)
im so excited and proud~
Ace has a licking issue lol he licks everything.. he likes licking.. me personally i dont mind but my sister in law does and she doesnt like a dog licking babies and they are expecting and i dont want that to be a reason she doesnt want him around.. help?
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