So this is Ace's 2nd Christmas with me~

This coming Wednesday will be the last day he can come to school with me unless next term i get the ok he can come back :)
I took him out for a morning walk and a trip over to where i work to get my first check of the month, freakin adorible man that he is thought the frost on the ground was snow and proceeded to frollic around in it lol

He is my little Shadow and im gonna have a HUUUUUGE issue leaving him at home for a day as we go down to visit my older brother and his new family for a family lunch/dinner

But on a brighter note He gets to go to my oldest brothers house and play with Scrappy~ the next day lol

I wish it would snoooow lol its so cold that i purposly snuggle with Ace and his warmness everychance i get and it makes it harder for me to walk him this time of year.. My mom has this condition where she is allergic to cold.. and we are starting to think she genetically passed it on to me.. when im outside in the cold for so long... my thighs break out into Hives.. we found this out last winter when i took Ace to the dog park and stayed out to long and on the walk home i ended up with hives *shutters* itched so bad but once i warmed up they went away..

Luckily for me Ace thinks he is a Lap dog XD so when i need my legs warmed up i just call him onto my lap XD

So just for fun I have taught Ace a few 'cute' tricks
everyones favorite is when i ask him 'Who's number one?" and he will sit up on his haunches andstick his left paw up as far as he possibly can lol

it happened when i tried teaching him to wave lol but he now waves as well~
I also taught him 'Pound it' which is where i make a fist, hold it out to him and tell him 'Pound it' and he slaps his paw against my fist... FRICKIN CUTE lol
I need to re-teach him 'Pray' cuz he used to put his paws on my arm and lower his head like he was praying but he somehow forgot that one lol

he also knows what 'Spot' means.. i point to a place i want him and tell him spot and he will go there usually when i open up the door to the car or i pat my lap and say it :)

im trying to teach him a trick Buffy used to be able to do when her knees were still good.. its what mom refers to as the 'Combat Crawl' where she used to crawl on her belly.. we used to Joke if she were a military dog her butt would get shot off lol our family was a military family until 1996 when dad retired lol so there was a hint of influence on that trick lol... but ace sort of gets the trick.. he has the same issue LOL
he also now sits pretty and puts his paws up when i pick up his harness to put it on him.. it helps out alot and will be perfect for when i get his Service dog vest next month
not to mention Ace will be put into a class Next month to finish his service dog training :)
I just need to think of a couple 'useful' tricks i could teach him since i read on this service dog site that a service dog needs to have atleast 2 'special' tricks that can help out their person
We are still thinking of Corgi sized tasks we could teach him :) 

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Comment by Ace and Jen on December 9, 2011 at 6:19pm

I just looked Cold Urticaria up.. lol sounds about right.. and it just started up last winter.. was the first time i ever had hives that i could remember so i didnt know what they were lol mmm I didnt think of taking antihistamines before going for a walk LOL i might start doing that.. it seems pretty managable if i could get aride home :)
and i plan on getting a treadmill when i move out.. there is just NO PLACE for one in my house right now ^^; but i do plan on getting one :) and i dont mind walking XD I have learned to wear layers.. 

and ace is doing awesome i honestly havent had as bad of Social Anxiety attacks within the last month its Exciting! 

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on December 9, 2011 at 2:08pm

Oh wow, I've never known someone who had cold urticaria before.  Do you take antihistamines before you take him for walks this time of year?  A good way to avoid it would be to teach him to walk on a treadmill, if you have one.  I taught Yuki how to and it was absolutely awesome once winter hit!  :)  Plus he thought it was the greatest thing once he got over his initial fear of it.

Sounds like you have some cute tricks going already!  I'll have to get in gear and teach Ellie some cute ones, too!  Yuki can do the belly crawl you mentioned (I say "belly belly belly" and he does the crawl) as well as half a dozen others or so.  He's super quick at learning, too.  He literally learned to high-five in about 30 seconds the other day.  XD  I'd like to get the two of them to do some synchronized tricks at some point.  It'd be so cute!

As always, it's good to hear that Ace is still working hard to help you out.  Hopefully your school will let you bring him back next semester!

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