Oh my gosh i love coming over to my sister in law/brothers house :) they ALWAYS let me bring Ace :) well the minute we got home on sunday we opened the door and in zoomed Ace like he owned the place and the Play began.. lol seeing a 75lbs pittbull wrestling with his favorite Corgi buddy was just adorible.. and he is so gentle with Ace as well.. I just love it especially since Scrappy doesnt have anyone to play with other then People lol
I just love watching them play and its so cute cuz Ace bosses Scrappy around XD
it is isnt it it just makes me laugh seeing this big lump of a pitty on his back in a submissive manner playing with Ace who is running around him barking acting like the boss >w/p>
I love it when they play! It warms my heart..:-) My german shepherd is the "peace maker", and the lowest dog on my totem pole here. She plays with both corgis, but all three don't really play together. If Seanna and Sage are playing, Jackson runs around them barking. But when he plays with her, its just so darn cute!
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