For the last month or so I've been bugging my husband for a roomba. I read such great posts about it on mycorgi that I felt it would be perfect for us. However due to their expense it just didn't seem feasible. Then yesterday I was on Kijiji and I thought I would look for a cheaper one. Long story short...we got a nearly brand new one (model 530) for only $160.

And this baby works awesome. I've named it Rosie (after the robot on the Jetson's) and I'm sooooo happy. It picks up a huge amount of Tuesday's hair, and the tiny pieces of dirt she tracks in. I've had it for one day and I'm completely hooked!

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Comment by Nicola Porter on October 20, 2009 at 12:42pm
What a handsome fella.
Comment by Susan Stanton on October 20, 2009 at 9:07am
oh, I love mine too! I run it daily (I work from home), usually in 1 or 2 rooms. It really keeps the tumbling tumbleweeds of hair at bay -- I empty the canister after every room, and we're good (and I have two massive shedders). The dogs don't mind it, they just sit in another room waiting for it to pass by. Somewhere on youtube there is a hilarious video of a cat sitting on one while it works. Also, if you have any problems with it (the dog hair can be rough on it), there's a great forum website to get info or get things fixed if you're out of warranty: robotreviews I had an issue with dog hair getting inside the gears, and a fellow on this forum fixed it (replaced/sealed the gears so it won't happen again) for a pretty low price.
Comment by C. M. Wood on October 19, 2009 at 11:15pm
I find Tuesday only views it as an oddity. She doesn't like our vacuum or our dust buster but she's ok with the roomba. Just looks at it when it goes by. It doesn't even interupt her eating.
Comment by Steve on October 19, 2009 at 10:55pm
I know! the roomba is great - I just wish it was quieter. Steve and Turtle used to chase it when they were puppies. Just remember to empty it often.....
Comment by Sarah C. on October 19, 2009 at 10:48pm
Mine fears it less than the vacuum and more than the cat.
Comment by Potus on October 19, 2009 at 10:38pm
How are the dogs with it? Potus has a pathological hatred of our vaccuum (not a Roomba)
Comment by Sarah C. on October 19, 2009 at 7:37pm
When I set the roomba to go I usually have to empty it once for the front hall and twice for the living room. But getting up three times while watching TV isn't a big deal, and it's easy to empty.
Comment by Beth on October 19, 2009 at 6:39pm
We have one area rug downstairs and when we vacuum, we have to empty the container in a regular upright tow times! So one canister lasts half a rug. LOL Glad you love yours, though. It does look pretty cool.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 19, 2009 at 5:16pm
I wondered about the emptying too. When I vacuum I have to empty the reservoir frequently . With 3 dogs and 2 cats I have a lot of hair!
Comment by Sarah C. on October 19, 2009 at 5:16pm
We got one off the other day and it's been just spiffy. It's not a GREAT vacuum, kind of like dustbusting, but it keeps the dust bunnies down enough that i can justify cleaning weekly instead of biweekly.

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