I have two naughty, naughty corgis who are lucky that they aren't in a box in the front yard that says "free to a good home." 
First, I come home and they EATEN one of my special sandals, the expensive ones that I brought back from Venezuela.  Now, they aren't big chewers normally, so I've gotten lax about leaving things out. This upsets  me, but it's partially my own faulty.  Today, I come home and they have DUG ANOTHER SPECIAL PAIR OF SANDALS out of the closet and eaten them up.
Not my husband's sandals, not my daughters', mine. And NOT THE CHEAP ONES. No, though I have multiple pair of $5 flip flops, this was a $40 pair.
Two pair in two days.  At least $100 worth of sandals.


Naughtiness of new proportions!

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Comment by John Wolff on August 14, 2011 at 11:49pm
Hey, it's only natural: you think their poop don't stink; they think your feet don't stink.
Comment by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on August 14, 2011 at 3:51pm

I did wonder if they were punishing me for leaving the house......(Corgi thought process:"I MISS her! I'll steal her SHOES!)


thanks everybody.  I had seen the #1 destruction team but thanks for reminding me. It could be worse!

Comment by Tim Lum on August 14, 2011 at 11:12am
I think they wait for the one moment of lackness. (Is that a word?) Teagan, my female tri, is the major culprit when it comes to chewing things up. I swear we've been trained to put the remote out of reach but there's that one time we forget and surely she'll get a hold of it and it's done. Sometimes I think we outsmart ourselves. We've also been trained to put our good shoes up on the shelves but I swear Teagan still manages to get my good Top Sider and chew them up.
Comment by Nancy Bauer on August 14, 2011 at 11:02am
OMGosh, I have gotten the biggest laughs reading the "hit list" and the "corgis caught in action"!  My Emma was so quiet and never caused any mischieve, but my rescue Jack has had a blast gutting things, stealing TP, eating magazines, etc.  And I laugh everytime!  Maybe that is why they keep doing it, its hard to get mad when they look at you with that sweet face and say "what?"  Guess it must be mostly boys that cause problems as Katie is much like Emma was!
Comment by Sam Tsang on August 14, 2011 at 8:33am
Check out "The Hit List"
Comment by mia, herky, & kim on August 14, 2011 at 7:43am

I had to go back and look at the #1 naughtiness (that i've seen anyway). It is still hilarious (sorry).

 Lilo's & Bandit's mom, Shannon is the one who posted it. check it out, if you haven't seen it, you will feel much better about your 2, if you have seen it, look again cuz it's still a hoot!

Comment by mia, herky, & kim on August 14, 2011 at 7:20am

I had to laugh when I read your post! Mia and Herky have chewed up a number of shoes since we got them.  I lost 2 pairs of sandals (one pair expensive) before I learned my lesson.  My husband, on the other hand, was not as quick a learner as me :-)       He has lost several pairs of shoes because he can't remember to pick them up!  My grandson has lost a pair of sandals- he is 3 and when he comes over and takes his shoes off he immediately picks them up and puts them out of reach of dogs. 

If a dining room chair is left out, they will get on table. My husband is famous for this too!  They are great at shredding paper...

I left the chair away from the computer desk and they hopped on it, got a little pair of shoes I was selling on ebay, and chewed them up!

If you haven't already, do go to the "Corgis Caught in Crime Club". there is a posting and pics of LOTS of naughtiness, but especially one I remember-they had tore up the whole house and the captions were sooo funny.  Sometimes you just have to laugh......

Comment by David on August 14, 2011 at 5:14am
Take it as the sign of their love, they miss you while you were out, and and smell you sandal and chew them to show that they miss you!
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on August 14, 2011 at 1:04am
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