My new dog sink is finally in. All of my friends think I am nuts for the way I treat my dog the way it is but when I told them I was tearing out the garden tub in my master bath to put in a dog washing sink.... They think I have lost it. My dog before Quin was a Shih Tzu and I left his hair long so there was a lot of grooming. He would start to smell doggy after about 2 weeks sometimes I would push it to 4 but not very often. I don't care for a bath myself. (Showers!!) So the only thing the garden tub ever got used for was to wash the dog. It was awkward because it was so big I had to get in the tub, and I had to have shorts on, and there was no sprayer so I had to use a pitcher to pour the water on :\ When we lost Simba 4 yrs ago I didn't want another dog I was very happy with my cat. So the tub filled up with potted plants (there is a sky light above the tub) But then about 1 1/2 years ago we got a corgi bug in our ear. I knew right then the things I wanted for my new dog. A dog washing sink was one of them! She has had her bath in the kitchen sink up until now and as she got bigger I would bug my husband more to put in the sink. It turned into a bigger project then I thought (not my husband that is why he put it off) but I saw the sink on sale at the Home Depot one day and now MY DOG Sink.

Yes I know she is clean and dry in the photo... She needs a bath a lot less then I thought she would shhh don't tell my husband I said that:-))

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Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on November 8, 2010 at 10:52pm
so nice, id love to have that...
Comment by sheila hatcher on July 29, 2010 at 8:40am
You sound like you love your baby very much.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on July 28, 2010 at 9:09pm
Thats awesome!! I want one now too. Just think of how this will save your back in the future, lucky!!! :)
Comment by Carol Rea on July 28, 2010 at 2:48pm
my husband got so upset with them after the "septic affair" (they rolled in the stinky stuff while my huband was fixing the septic line) that he squirted them with the hose, chasing them around the yard, he's lucky he didn't hurt himself! Now, if he had a doggie sink...well, he probably would not have used it in this case. I will have to show him this picture, I think it is a great idea, we will need a bathtub size for lardo Sonny, though.
Comment by Aj on July 28, 2010 at 2:15pm
Love it! This is on my wish list now :) I used to bathe Ein and Brian in the laundry room sink when they were pups. But they've grown longer and graduated to the bathtub.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on July 28, 2010 at 1:45pm
WOW!!! That is cool!!! I will add this to my "dream home idea". Great job!
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 28, 2010 at 1:33pm
Comment by Kevin and Buddy! on July 28, 2010 at 1:04pm
Haha that is awesome! I just went thru the same thing with my corgi. I started the bath in a regular tub, but I didnt have a sprayer and didnt have a pitcher... I ended up wrapping the soapy corgi in a towel and making a mad dash to the stand up show in the master bath and sprayed him off there!

Buddy starts to get a little stinky after 4 weeks.

Im jealous :P

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