The other day I bought a kiddie pool for Quin. When we go for walks she always digs in the cat water dish when we get back from the walk so I thought she would like a pool. Now we live in the desert on four acres so I have the pool up on the deck other wise we would have mud. So today she went outside chased the cat around for a while then came up on the porch and started digging in the water dish so I filled up the pool and we splashed around for a while. Then she decided to go frap around the yard again so she was a little dirty. I thought no big deal i will just give her a bath here on the deck it is warm out. After I had her all shampooed and conditioned and had just put the hose down, she got away from me........ I spent the next half an hour or so running around in the desert trying to catch her as she rolled and fraped in the dirt, lovely!!!! I finely caught her or should i saw she finely decided to let me catch her. Now for another bath this time i put the leash on her. (Smart! close the barn door after the horse gets away.) But i think it is some new Spa Treatment, sand in the wet fur that doesn't want to come out with just bathing. We used a lot more conditioner this time and even still there is sand in there. I think a lot more loose hair came out with the second bath also. So here is the new shedding Spa Treatment. First bath then let them run and roll in the dirt and bath again. it is sooo much FUN! I am sure that the rest of the sand will come out when I brush her. I just wanted it to be clean sand!!
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