I am sad :-( Quin was spayed today.
She is so pitiful, I think she just can't get comfortable. Every time she sees me she gets up and moves, She acts like I am the one that did this to her, poor baby. I can give her a pain pill in alittle bit, the vets office said this evening after we are sure she isn't going to throw it up. So I guess she should eat alittle she did drink water and every thing is fine and she went out side to pee so i know she is fine it is just she looks so pitiful.

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Comment by Stephanie on May 22, 2010 at 9:57am
They are so good at the guilt trips. Too cute.
Comment by Kari & Jackson on May 21, 2010 at 10:09pm
Awe! Jackson just got neutered on Wednesday and I swear it's like nothing happened lol. She'll come around quick I'm sure...

Good luck!!
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 21, 2010 at 9:49pm
Oh poor baby...she'll be feeling better soon! Great pic to make you feel guilty!

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