So what do you clean up first? The dog or the floor?

Hear is what happened. A case of Dr. Pepper was sitting on the floor, a piece of cat food was dropped and had landed in the box, so Quin was trying to get it out (of course) and she poked a can either with her tooth or with a nail. So DP is spraying all over and she is standing right in front of it and once she realized it tasted good she stayed there to lick it up. Now I have a dog full of DP and the floor is sticky and my husband is walking through it cause he has to go to work. So I tell him to go and I am trying to decided what to do first when Quin shakes cause she has DP all over her. That made up my mind for me real fast. So in the sink she went. whew what a start to the day.

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Comment by Debbie and Gromit on April 7, 2010 at 11:44pm
I must agree with Jude, Lily and Louise on this one! Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 26, 2010 at 8:15pm
I'm sorry, but the mental image made me laugh! Sorry you had such a mess to clean up...but wow!
Comment by christy fry on February 25, 2010 at 5:01pm
I had a friend you bought a case of wet dog food and left it on the floor when they got home the case was gone. Their cocker had taken the whole thing out the doggy door and then tried to stash every can around their backyard!!
Comment by Alice on February 25, 2010 at 3:26pm
Ha ha, that's when you close the dog in the shower and clean up the mess... and oh what a mess it must have been. :)
Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on February 25, 2010 at 2:26pm
Sorry, but that's funny. That's why God made them cute, so you can't stay mad.

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