Morna sleeps on her back frequently and I caught a picture! That is so cute...and she sometimes has a front paw over her face and her back legs crossed.

She has also become a BIG help to her new Dad. Some more pix added show Morna helping with the yardwork! She is down to about 1 accident a day w/her potty training, and that's usually when we misread her signals and think she's ready to go in. When we do that, she's not in the house for more than 5 minutes when she poops somewhere, usually near us, which I think is her way of telling us "I WASN'T DONE YET!"

She sleeps in a travel carrier in our bedroom and has been obliging enough to sleep at least until 7 or 7:30 every morning. The only problem we have is that she got a taste of Bear's big girl food, and refuses the food recommended by the breeder! She actually eats a combination of Beneful and the Nutro large dog kibble. She refuses to eat the Nutro puppy sits in her bowl for hours.

We've had so much fun with her, and she knows some commands ... 'Morna, Come!', 'Morna, Let's go potty" and a few more. I suspect the ones we think she doesn't know are the ones that she prefers not to follow! It looks to us like she's grown noticeably since she got here. We are all just loving her!

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