Hi guys!


We are getting our first corgster in about 4 weeks! Any tips on welcoming him home for the first time to make him feel safe and comfortable?  He's being shipped by plane and it's a 5.5hr flight.

We've both had dogs in the past but it's been a while since having a young puppy.  I grew up around a lot of dogs and always read training tips, but would like to hear your stories from personal experiences!

Thank you for any help and advice you provide!!

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Comment by Samantha de Jager on January 25, 2014 at 9:45am
We got our pup by plane as well. She was so scared and cautious when we first saw her. We had brought food(what the breeder had fed her) and water in Tupperware containers and waited around the airport until she went potty so she wouldn't on the ride home. Of corse we had the usual check list of puppy items from online already. Definitely keep an eye on him but don't try to force him to interact with you the first few days, just let him explore his new home in small sections with you there and he'll probably start showing interest in you soon. Just give him a space that is his where no one will bother him, crates work really well.
Comment by Anya Q. on January 24, 2014 at 1:04pm

Ok, that makes sense.  I bought 2 Kong toys and some Nylabone chew toys, so hopefully he likes them.

Comment by Denis J. on January 24, 2014 at 11:12am

Fortunately I live about 10-15 minutes from work and I have been able to go during lunch time every day to check on him.   So he was good to be 4 hours in the crate without any accidents.   But I would need to get him outside immediatly when I arrived.   Now he's good to be 6-7 hours from time to time.   He usually has the cat to keep him company and the TV.   I leave his favorite toy, a Kong with some surprises inside and a bowl with ice cube, if he wants to chew on something cold or water after it melts.

Comment by Anya Q. on January 24, 2014 at 10:55am

Denis, was it harder to housebreak him because you both work the whole day?


Thank you everyone for responding.  We are going to crate train him, although the breeder said he should already be comfortable in a crate by the time he gets here.  We got him some chew toys and stuffed toys (we know not to let him have those unless he's being supervised), collar, leash, etc.

We also have a 12 year old cat, so I'm interested to see how that goes, also.  Sushi the cat has been around dogs in the past but kind of likes to just be left alone, so we know we'll need to teach the pup to respect her space. 

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 23, 2014 at 4:02pm

Congratulations on your first corgi!  :-D  My Ellie arrived by plane, too, and welcoming her wasn't much different than welcoming my other dog, Yuki, from a local breeder.  Obviously make sure your little one gets a potty break as soon as you can manage it after picking him up.  Try to avoid places that lots of other dogs seem to frequent, as he's still young and can more easily pick up illnesses. 

For the first few days (maybe up to a week for some pups), just keep things casual.  Don't force him to sit on your lap or spend time with you, just let him come to you when he's ready.  :-)  With Ellie I would just sit on the floor and let her explore.  When she felt comfortable enough she would wobble over and climb on me/lick me/play/engage in super-cute corgi behavior.  Definitely work on crate training (if you plan on using one) right from the start to make his crate a happy and safe place to go.  I expect he'll already be okay with a crate, though, since he's arriving to you in one.  Also make sure he gets to the vet within the first 48-72 hours to be examined and start getting his immunizations.  Plus he'll get to meet his veterinarian and get established as a patient at the office!

Most of all, be patient, have fun, and consult the FAQ & forums if you have a question.  Good luck!

Comment by Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK) on January 23, 2014 at 3:30pm

Definitely read the FAQ on this site. They are extremely helpful.

In addition to normal obedience training, look up a puppy kindergarten class. It will help socialize your new puppy to other dogs and new people. The trainer conducting the class can also help with common problems and basic obedience training. My trainer recommended putting the puppy's crate in our bedroom at night for bonding and house training purposes.

Just be patient with him. He's new and will need time to adjust to you and his new home. 

Comment by Denis J. on January 23, 2014 at 2:17pm

I agree.   Until he has had all the shots it's one on one with his family, getting to know his surroundings and getting him in a routine.   My wife and I both work full time but when we got him I took the first week off.    Eventhough I was home I started him in a routine of being in his crate for a little bit at a time, to get him ready for his naps and night time.

For us the hardest part was bedtime, and the crying.   We could stand 15-20min before he fell asleep but in the end we caved and brought the crate in the bedroom, which was the best thing to do for the first few weeks. 

Starting early with being used to a collar and his leash, walking around the property alongside you is good.   Either indoor or out should do the same.  

Us the bigger male cat put him in his place when he was getting too roudy.   He came from a home with other pets as well so he was well socialized when he came into our home.    I hope that the flight will go well, but for 5.5  hours I assume he's coming from a warm climate and will travel to one of the same too?

I thought about it with Wally but I had to fly with him as the pressurized cargo are not heated for our airlines, so they don't fly pets during the off summer season.    But he fit well with me as a carry-on.    :)

Comment by Andrea on January 23, 2014 at 12:27pm

Leave them alone for the first few days. They'll need time to adjust to the new home. Also, look into a good dog trainer. I've had great luck with having a good personal dog trainer. Not just the people at Petsmart or Petco. Though you shouldn't start classes or take them anywhere until they have all their parvo shots. Good luck!

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