As you all know, we just got Vikki. I put food out last night for her, figuring she wouldn't eat since it's a new house, etc.

She maybe ate 2 little nuggets of food. This morning, she maybe ate 2 as well. I'm a little worried and I don't want her to starve! She's playing and snuggling, just fine. Just.. not eating..

I know it's normal since it is a big change, but how long is to long of not eating?

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Comment by Brianne Mumy on May 29, 2012 at 7:01pm

She just actually ate a decet amount. I feel much better now, lol.Thanks for all the opinions!

Comment by Jen on May 29, 2012 at 1:06pm

Ginger, as in typical Corgi fashion, is ALWAYS starving, or so she thinks, but she never eats when I take her to my mom's house.  At home she'll gobble her food up in about 3 minutes, but it will sit all day at my mom's.  I used to worry about it, but I figure she'll eat when she's hungry. 

Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on May 29, 2012 at 10:48am

She will eat when she settles in. I wouldn't leave it out all the time. I'd offer it twice a day so she realizes there will only be a small window of opportunity to eat. I'd put it down and leave it for about 10 minutes, then pick it back up. Unfortunately sometimes the really cheapy unhealthy foods are more aromatic and enticing to dogs to eat, so that may be part of it too. Sometimes they are social eaters, as well, so it might help if you are with her next to the bowl to encourage her to eat.

Comment by Brianne Mumy on May 29, 2012 at 10:30am

Yes, she's been checked and she's all good. I knew that she wouldn't eat at least the first day, but I'm just a worried Mom. I want her to eat! Lol. I did start giving her new food, because the people before me were feeding her Walmart Brand cheap food. She deserves better than that. It's always out right now for her to eat, so hopefully she does soon.

Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on May 29, 2012 at 8:52am

Brianne you'll get a lot of advice on this web site its awesome... my first reaction to your question was ...shes in a new place , a little intimidated, maybe new food? Some dogs are more picky than others.. keep offering it to her and when shes hungry shew will eat . I guess youve had her cked by vet and all? I didnt read all your earlier post.

 So glad she found a new home ..

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