Started this discussion. Last reply by Sam Tsang Apr 6, 2013. 11 Replies 0 Likes
Hello all!I have a 3 year old, 25lb Corgi. She had an allergic reaction about 2 months ago and we can't figure out what caused it. (We think it's either her food or environmental allergies.) She…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Brianne Mumy May 31, 2012. 3 Replies 0 Likes
So, I posted this kind of before. But some things have changed.Vikki wasn't eaching much, which is totally expected with her being in a new home and all. Slowly but surely she started eating…Continue
Brianne Mumy has not received any gifts yet
Posted on October 22, 2012 at 7:57pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Hey all!
I keep looking at these cute event pictures of all the Corgi get togethers and I love it! I was wondering if anyone ever has any in Florida? Near the Tampa/Clearwater/Largo area?
Posted on May 30, 2012 at 4:56pm 2 Comments 1 Like
Vikki has some dark marks under her eyes from tear ducts leaking I'm guessing. I was wondering whats the best way to clean those? It looks icky, lol.
Posted on May 29, 2012 at 8:32am 5 Comments 1 Like
As you all know, we just got Vikki. I put food out last night for her, figuring she wouldn't eat since it's a new house, etc.
She maybe ate 2 little nuggets of food. This morning, she maybe ate 2 as well. I'm a little worried and I don't want her to starve! She's playing and snuggling, just fine. Just.. not eating..
I know it's normal since it is a big change, but how long is to long of not eating?
Posted on May 28, 2012 at 7:56pm 7 Comments 4 Likes
Good Evening All!!
I'm new here to the board and I thought I'd say hello! I joined initially hoping to find a Corgi and adopt one into our home. Well, I am proud to annouce, we found one. And she seems like such an angel!! She is 2 years old and is a tri-colored Corgi. I am in LOVE with her already and she's only been home for 2 hours! I also have 2 cats that are my babies and I was very worried about, but so far so good! No growling, hissing or fighting.
She is just so…
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Your new corgi sounds wonderful congratulations !
Can't wait to see more pictures of Ms. Vikki!:) She sure is cute.
I looooove RHTs, but of course, I love all the Corgi colors lol. I can't decide which I want next. (Doesn't matter. All matters what happens when I finally can add another-not for a few years though probably lol)
In the end, I hope to have all colors >:D Cardigan and Pembroke lol. But not all at one time. Wayyyyy too many dogs for me to handle:)
How great that you found her and were going for an adult doggy:) At first I was going for a puppy myself but then I started to think about adults and then I said to myself in the end, "No, a puppy is for me. I really want the puppy stage." and then I found Ziggy and poof! It was off I went into Corgilife! This coming up eighth will be four months that he's been with us:)