I love Miso. I really, really do. She's the sweetest little dog ever!

But sometimes, she gets on my last nerve! I can't WAIT until she grows up! She's still in the 'eat everything in sight' mindset...which really sucks, because we have mushrooms growing in the yard in front of our condo. I'm so scared she's going to eat them, I have to keep a super careful eye on her!

She also won't eat half of the time. The veterinarian tells me that she should be eating 2 1/2 cups of food a day. I have a hard enough time getting her to eat ONE cup, let alone two and a half! I've tried Mixables, I've tried wet food (she'll eat that, but then her poos are extremely difficult to pick up, not to mention disgusting!), I've tried everything, and she won't eat. It's so frustrating, because I want to make sure she grows up well, but she's not making that job easy!

She's getting better at pooing when I take her out (at first she would have to go so bad she could hardly hold it, but wouldn't go due to distractions). She's doing better at avoiding distractions, but I find it difficult to get her to do any business if there's any people in sight, as she insists on running up and saying HI to every person she sees.

Other than that, she's the sweetest little doggy in the world! I love her so much, I just...well, can't wait until she's older.

She also doesn't really listen or comprehend the training I try to give her. I need to see if my employment with the Humane Society offers me discounts on puppy kindergarten classes, she's a lot more stubborn than my mom's beagle/Aussie Shep mix ever was (that dog was SO easy to train)! A lot more distracted, too.

Next Friday (June 26), I take her in for her last set of shots. Afterwords, I'll be taking her to Three Dog Bakery to get a pup-tart, and maybe some more of those delicious cookies. Perhaps even a bit of doggy ice cream! My little girl is SO spoiled rotten!

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Comment by Beth on June 19, 2009 at 10:34am
Yep, I don't think many vets are Corgi-savvy when it comes to food. When we took Jack for his initial puppy visit, he told me to feed him as much as he would eat in 15 minutes, 3x a day. I knew that was wrong, and casually mentioned that he was a fast eater so that wouldn't work. But if I weren't afraid of offending my otherwise-good vet, I would have burst out laughing! I told the breeder what the vet said, and she said "15 minutes? My god, he'd eat the whole bag in that time!" LOL

In addition to his food, Jack likes to eat rabbit poop, cat poop, grass in the yard, and big clumps he finds from the mower across the street. I let him nibble blades in the yard, but cut it short on the big mower clumps. Jack has a very broad view of what is considered "Food" and when we have him off-leash hiking or something, one of the most commonly heard phrases coming from me is "Jack, leave it. LEAVE IT! Oh, what IS that, that's DISGUSTING." He's really good at "leave it" unless he's found something really disgusting; then he just eats faster. ;-)
Comment by Cindi on June 19, 2009 at 9:56am
I'm sure your vet means well, but that much food will give you a very fat corgi. I give all of ours between 1 - 1 1/2 cups each day, regulating that based on their weight. Up a few pounds, down a few morsels. When we got Moira and she was so grossly obese, she was being fed 2 1/2 cups per day plus green beans. She could barely walk and it took a good eight months to get her weight down. Glad you jumped on the forum to ask about feeding! That's the sign of a good corgi parent!
Comment by Karen Stasky on June 19, 2009 at 9:27am
Babies check out the world thru their mouth! But 2.5 cups is way too much-some depends too on what kinda food you're feeding-some have more digestable calories than others-one of the best ways that you can spoil yourself and your puppy is to go to puppy k classes-you can have soooo much more fun with her when you're learning together!
Comment by Susan Stanton on June 19, 2009 at 8:48am
Yeah, 2.5 cups sounds like a ton, and she's maybe self-regulating? (Which is a good thing!). My Ethel is now 18 months and still views the outside world as her smorgasbord. Her new favorite thing are large clumps of wet grass left behind by the lawnmower which plug up her tummy and make her throw up. She also loves a nice treat of spring mud, poop, and sticks. So age will cure some things....but not all. But they are so cute and happy and full of love, who can get upset with the little nonsense they pull??
Comment by Beth on June 19, 2009 at 7:03am
Miso is so cute!

About the food: I'm sure your vet is a good vet, but perhaps the vet is not very familiar with Corgi metabolism. The most food Jack ever got growing up was 1 and a half cups a day, as a puppy. Now he gets 2/3 of a cup a day, and he could stand to lose a couple pounds. And he is a biiiiggg Corgi; he's nearly 14 inches at the shoulder, which puts him about 2 inches taller than breed standard. (I did read online that neutered males can sometimes be oversized, because neutering them makes their growth plates stay open longer).

Jack was a very very active puppy, and he would have been the size of a hippo if he ate 2-1/2 cups a day! LOL So if she's eating around a cup, that is probably right for her. I wouldn't worry about that part of things.

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