When you live here in the 'hood, your morons are your neighbors...uhm, that is, your neighbors can be morons.
Cattycorner across the alley is a guy who inherited the house from his father, apparently because he (the guy) is not the sort who is competent to purchase a house. The place has run down and down and down (the drain!) since the old couple died, and this jerk shows no sign of moving. Or being arrested.
So Charley, my son's dopey golden retriever, is out in the yard enjoying the 60-mile-an-hour breeze (don't ASK! he and Ruby the Corgi Pup decided it was good to go out in the driving rain and frolic together! Rain is over, gale is still blowing, Charley wants to go out in it.) He's strolling around quietly enough but then starts to WARF! and WARF and WARF and WARF.
Some interesting local fauna populate that alley. I figure it's probably the homeless mentally ill guy who thinks I'm his mother. Peek over the wall: no one home.
I go back in the kitchen and continue to wrestle with the pots, pans, and cutlery.
WARF! WARF! WARF! WARF! .... (and so on) Back out. Inspect.
It's the weird neighbor. He's hauling several loads of trash to the communal garbage can, as far as we know for the first time in living memory. Must have decided to clean house.
I tell Charley to pipe down and head back into the house.
Suddenly Charley goes absolutely screaming BATSH!T and starts to THROW HIMSELF BODILY AT THE GATE.
Uh huh.
You understand. This is a golden retriever whose mind works in the lowest key possible. His temperament is MELLOW, not THROW SELF AT GATE.
The idiot is teasing the freaking dog through the gate.
I climb up on a rock and yell at the jerk to knock it off. A few minutes later, Charely is batsh!t again.
This has been a bear of a day. It started at three in the morning and has been punctuated by a Word FAIL that lost four hours worth of yesterday's mind-numbing work, and it has been sliding downhill steadily. My patience is short.
Extremely short.
For a moment, I seriously consider throwing open the gate and letting Charley have at the numbskull.
Then I remember that Charley will not come to call. Gate open: Charley will skip the jerk and head for Yuma.
Corgi? I got a corgi pup? I must have been nuts. What was required was one of those hulking monsters from the German Shepherd Rescue. What's cute when you can have enraged?
It matches my outfit of the day...
Yeah they were. I didn't want to cause to much of a commotion police are really weird about things here and so I'm sure they would've wanted to look at Dodger for whatever reason. I just reported them, but I think they moved or something because I haven't had any issues lately. It was just totally uncalled for and it wouldn't surprise me if it was a hate crime. I've come to realize a lot of people where I live are racists. I try not to pay much mind to it. Giving them the power only encourages them. Haha that sounds like an epic wine.
Wow! Some punkins...
If someone hit me with something -- anything, even if it was a shower of beer -- I would call the police and have them charged with assault. And if I were in any way ethnically different or obviously of a different persuasion from them, I would tell the police and a judge I thought it was a hate crime.
I get ornerier with age. If I were a wine, the vintner would have to call me La Strega.
You're entitled every right to be enraged. I had a similar incident happen to me twice. The first time I was taking Dodger for a walk so he could go to the bathroom. Well, he's very easily spooked and something had startled him pretty badly. I was trying to calm him down and this group of jerks came out onto their balcony and started making fun of the way he was barking and was making barking noises at him. So it caused him to get more upset because he didn't understand where the noise was coming from. The second time was A LOT worse. I was taking him out to the bathroom as usual, but it was in the afternoon so we didn't due any heavy walking because it was really hot out. So I was standing in the shade and Dodger had gotten spooked by something. So I called him over and as he was crawling his way back to me, the same jerks from the first incident came out and this time they were throwing bottles and cans at him. Naturally I stepped in and politely told them to knock it off and then one of them had the nerve to dump a full cup of whatever it was all over us. After that I quickly removed us from the scene and reported them. I thought I'd just share my little story. So I understand how you could feel that way. It's never easy dealing with jerks and reminding yourself to keep calm.
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