They've been hanging around the house for a little while and the babies are super cute so when I saw them I ran around the back of the house to grab my camera.

Here's them on the doorstep where I found them when I got home from work:

They didn't approve of me taking pictures of them and rejected the bread I tossed to them but they do eat the katydids that make tons of noise at night, which I am very grateful for.

Since the dogs are always running around outside I've seen a huge decrease in the amount of deer that like to hang around our house but apparently the turkeys don't mind. Orion completely ignores them too, which is kind of amazing.

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Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on June 28, 2010 at 9:23pm
Yesterday the babies were sleeping in a pile on the porch, it was so cute! Then they stayed outside by the pool as I swam laps, they were a few feet away. I guess they figured I couldn't do anything to them from the pool
Comment by Aj on June 25, 2010 at 3:59pm
That is so cool! Do they come over often? :P
Comment by Brittany Nelson on June 24, 2010 at 4:31pm
Wow how exciting!! Luna would run away from them. She's scared of everything!

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