My boyfriend took the pup in yesterday for his third set of puppy shots, and by the time I got home he was acting funny. I noticed immediately when he woke from a nap and stepped out of his crate that he was limping and when I went to pick him up and put my hand on his bottom to support him he whimpered loudly. I touched his leg and he whimpered again. :( My poor baby. The BF said that the vet gave him his shots in that leg, and that was probably it. For the rest of the night he hobbled around and moped. I figured it was a side effect of the vaccinations and would give him until this morning to recover.

And it did. ^___^ He was such a bouncy, scampering brat this morning. So all's well. I have just never had a pet who had any sort of soreness from a vaccination. But then again, the only shots I have ever seen given were at the scruff of the neck. :/ Poor Dex. He got extra treats for being extra pathetic last night.

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Comment by Dez Hunter on July 17, 2009 at 10:24am
Thanks! I know right. This is a vet recommended to us by my boyfriend's Mom. They have taken their dogs there for years. :( But I am not sure I like the shots in the leg thing. I haven't heard of that either, and from what my BF said she tried "multiple times" to give him that shot, too. I am not surprised he had pain there! :( I am going to be shopping around for another vet.
Comment by Melissa S. on July 16, 2009 at 10:56pm
wow ?? i never heard of giving a dog shots in the leg?? thats odd!
Glad he is better!

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