Well, we tried two classes at the Canines for the Cure Texas Agility shootout today. It was our first trial and a big learning experience. Tucker was pretty naughty, but at least he had fun. Issues to work on... coming when called, start line stays, being caught afterwards, listening, not going on solo missions when we're supposed to be a team... better luck next time!

Good news! I won a free weekend package at a CPE trial in the raffle! Woohoo. I also learned all about setting up, checking in, waiting for my turn.. so it was a good learning experience! I just wished Tucker would have been more on board with the plan. We went to a fun run last weekend and he was great. Oh well.

For your entertainment, I present our videos! They're pretty funny.




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Comment by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on August 7, 2012 at 2:56pm

I'm glad we could give you guys a laugh! haha I have since ordered Control Unleashed, Crate Games, and Really Reliable Recall. Our next trial is with CPE at the end of September and I would really like to just -finish- a course!

I think he was more stressed than he let on, because he was sick to his tummy the next day. He also refused to sleep the whole day, even when I covered his crate up.

He is a mess, but I love him!

Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 7, 2012 at 3:32am

Thank you for sharing! Sidney is training in Rally, and one of these days we will eventually compete. I wonder if I dare ask my husband to film us, haha. I loved watching you guys in the agility ring!

Comment by Lemmy Winks on August 6, 2012 at 8:11pm

Haha that was to adorable! Made my night!

Comment by Judy & Taffy on August 6, 2012 at 6:13pm

Your videos made me laugh out loud. Tucker did AMAZING. Taffy and I ran in a fun match last summer, and she didn't do one obstacle, jumped on the judges in the ring, and had a poop in the middle of the ring! (we still haven't returned to Agility classes)

Comment by Beth on August 6, 2012 at 5:46pm

Very funny!  Jack alternates between being brilliant and wandering off to do his own thing.  We have yet to trial.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on August 6, 2012 at 4:54pm

Haha!!  Reminded me of Seanna's early days.  She too would just go wherever she wanted, and look at me like I was crazy if I didn't follow.  Once she connected that we weren't there for her to just run around--that we were really there for a purpose, and that purpose was to run the course how I told her to, and as fast as she could--once it clicked, it was like a lightbulb went on.  She then thought it was three times as fun as the other way.  I know it's hard not to get frustrated though!  It takes time to work as a team, but once you guys learn each other's cues, it's SOOOOO much fun!

Comment by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on August 6, 2012 at 2:39pm

Before we competed for the first time, I watched this video and really scared myself about corgis and their need to frap on courses. But Tucker did very well, not like the linked video at all! I'm sure the distractions will go away as he gets more training under his belt. =)

Comment by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on August 6, 2012 at 2:34pm

Thank you so much for posting your videos! I know it's hard when they aren't the most polished, awesome runs we imagine them to be, but just know that anyone who is starting out in agility has been there before with their dog. Even Baxter was naughty in his first trial ever too.

Tucker did look like he had a lot of fun out there. You both looked good out there though. You had a very nice rear cross in your second video going into the pinwheel after the tunnel. Nice footwork! Keep positive and the teamwork will shine through. Each trial is another learning experience. It's always good to make a list of things to remember and goals to work on after trials. Here's the rub though, your list will just keep getting longer as your agility career continues! The "needs training" list never stops! ;)

Did Tucker seem nervous about the noise of the arena? Tucker looked comfortable in the videos though. I love the bucket move. What dog could resist a bucket like that? We went to a big event in Perry, GA that was a lot like this and Baxter was kind of freaked out the first day. There is just so much going on in a place like this.

Do you know if there are any UKC events near where you live? They tend to me smaller, one ring about 200 competitors, probably quieter than the event you were at, and they are very lenient on random running. That was our first event and it made everything a lot less stressful for me.

I'd love to offer you some tips if you don't mind. One tip-- and I offer it because it was recently offered to me-- when you run, try to stand up straight. I didn't realize how bent over I was as I ran, but I look a lot like you in your videos. I think it's because we run corgis and we feel we need to have our hand movements down low. I've been working on posture while running and it hasn't messed up Baxter one bit.

Another tip would be, make sure you take your time at the startline. It's really easy to feel rushed up there, but you can take some time to take a breath and make sure you have Tucker's attention before letting go. This is one that I am still learning myself. Here is a little article about startline stays that I really liked. Her whole blog is about agility and it's wonderful.

And congrats on the CPE package!! Raffles are another really fun part about trials! =D

Comment by LA Stewart on August 6, 2012 at 12:36pm


Tucker had a blast!  I loved it when he ran over to the red bucket to see what was in there. I could see my Wynne doing the exact same thing!  Also, I thought it was great at the end when he left the agility area and you could see all those perfect Border Collies just sitting there staring at their humans. 

Don't give up!

Comment by Diane on August 6, 2012 at 11:23am

Oh.. that is just too funny!   Don't think we'd dare to try agility, I'm quite sure Chewey would quite stubbornly do the exact opposite of what I'd want...

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