I went to a butcher shop today and asked for beef knuckle bones.

Man: "Marrow bones?"
Me: "No, beef knuckle bones."
Man: "Marrow bones ARE knuckle bones"
Me: "Oh, okay... I'll take them then."

He told me they were in the freezer so I headed over to the freezer and saw two different kinds of bagged bones. There was one type of bone, that was behind the "marrow bones" sign, was about foot long; and the one behind the "beef bones" sign were cut into 3 inch pieces. I took one of each out and asked which one the marrow bones were. He said "They're both marrow bones. One's whole and the other's cut."

The marrow bones were $2.09/lb. and the beef bones were $1.69/lb. I grabbed a bag of the "cut" bones and got charged the marrow bone price. (?!)

But the thing I wonder is, I thought knuckle bones were knobby looking?

I feel like I got cheated, but didn't want to argue since it was closing time and I am not too familiar with bones.

I took the bones home home, boiled it, laid out a towel, and then gave them to Ein and Brian. So far, they're licking out the marrow, no chewing.


For some reason, Ein doesn't chew his bone in front of Brian. Brian and Ein are equally dominant, so I don't know if it's a dominance issue? Once I put Brian in the other room, Ein immediately went to go enjoy his bone.

Here is Ein and Brian, are enjoying their "knuckle" bones.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 21, 2010 at 9:59pm
I bought the pups bones at T&H Prime meats last week :)

They sell a whole femur (too big for my guys), or the cut up femur. I get the cut pieces. SOmetimes there is a knuckle piece, it all depends. AJ, If you did not go to T&H, consider a slight trip northwest to San Marcos.

We also do a quick flash-boil on the bones, so the bones don't "cook". After all the meat has been chewed off and the marrow is gone, I refill the bones with peanut butter, canned dog food or jarred baby food (meat) and freeze them. Ah, recycling!
Comment by RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp on March 20, 2010 at 9:24pm
Riley has had raw bones (marrow). I block off a small area in the kitchen, lay down small washable area rugs (to be washed after each use), give him the raw bone, let him chew on it for awhile, take it away and put it back in the refrigerator. Raw food for pets should be treated just as carefully as you would treat raw food for humans before cooking it. Washing hands thoroughly and disinfecting any area the bone might have come in contact with. A vet once suggested that I not feed raw to my dog because I could get salmonella from my dog. Dogs are not as sensitive to salmonella as humans. Re-thinking the marrow bone, I'm not sure I would go with that again. The knuckle bone is suppose to be less hard and more easily digested.
Comment by Aj on March 20, 2010 at 8:37pm
Thanks everyone for your comments. As for the boiling, I did it to disinfect. I followed John's advice as it is easier for me than roasting. Boiled it for 5-10 minutes, not hot or long enough to make the bone brittle. And I always supervise them when I give them something to chew or in this case, lick on, so I feel comfortable giving them the bones. :)
Comment by RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp on March 20, 2010 at 1:03pm
Thanks Sky and Lyla. I thought this article was very informative. So many unsuspecting people give their babies cooked bones. After reading this most bones are suspect for me. I don't need broken teeth or trips to the vet!
Comment by Sky and Lyla on March 20, 2010 at 12:50pm
Christine, that article is correct, you should never give your dog cooked bones. They are very dangerous when cooked.
Comment by RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp on March 20, 2010 at 12:32pm
Did anyone read "Knick-Knack Paddywhack", DON"T give your dog a bone! Interesting.
Comment by Jane Christensen on March 20, 2010 at 12:10pm
they may be part of the leg bone but they're not knuckle bones. I think I paid .79 for my bones but we live in MN. I gave mine raw and stuck them back in the freeze reach time
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 20, 2010 at 11:31am
which bone did you get?

Comment by Sky and Lyla on March 20, 2010 at 9:34am
I don't think those are the knuckle bones, but I could be wrong. I used to give those cut up marrow bones like you have their, but Sky and Lyla chewed too hard on the bones and I was afraid they would breK their teeth. If yours aren't chewing though they're probably okay. Just keep a close eye. I now only feed bones that they can eat completely like chicken backs, turkey necks, etc. I feed them raw (cooked edible bones are dangerous) and they go crazy for it! They even got a pork chop last week because the grocery store was having a big sale. Talk about a hit!
Comment by Angela on March 20, 2010 at 8:15am
LOL that was totally me at Hannafords this week ;)

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